Chapter 33 - First Mission

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The 2 week mark finally hit as the weekend also brought a lot of joy to St Freya, the feeling of not having to get up early and go to class was a joy to every studente. But there is a certain someone who is not satisfied with how everything is going, she is none other than that..

"This is boring!" Kiana let out a sigh while hiding her face on the dining table. "2 weeks already yet there is no real action for us, how are we gonna become a badass Valkryies if we don't kick some asses?!"

It's been 2 weeks, the only thing they've been doing is studying and some training which Kiana thinks is nothing but a mere play time. She wanted more action like a missions. That way, she could really test her skills and see how far she had gone.

There was no way he could become the strongest Valkryie by just studying!

"Right Mei-senpai?!" Kiana turned to her senpai, waiting for her to agree with what she said.

"Eh? Uh.." Mei held her chin and thought for a moment. "Isn't it better if we stay out of mission first Kiana-chan? We just enrolled after all."

"It's been 2 weeks Mei-senpai!"

"Which is still fairly new, Baka Kiana." Bronya said calmly while enjoying her day off by playing her favourite Homu Adventure.

Enraged, Kiana tries to fight against Bronya who fight back as they're now pulling each others hair. "I will beat you up you tiny brat!"

"Nyet, The Bronya shall eliminate Idiotka." Bronya summon Project Bunny as it gets ready to fire off a blast straight to Kiana's face.

"H-hey!!!" Kiana gets up and start to run all over the living room. "Who say you can bring your toy?! That's no fair Mei-senpai help!!!"

"Oh dear.." Mei chuckled lightly, she watched the two running all over the living room like a little children's playing tags.

Just then, the door to their dorm slid open revealing none other than their teacher Himeko. "The hell with that loud noises?" She slowly walk over to the living room to see Kiana and Bronya running around the living room.

"What are you girls doing..?" Himeko looked at them dumfounded.

"Himeko-Sensei!" Kiana immediately clung onto Himeko who just accepted it and pat her tiny head. "Bronya's trying to kill me!"

"Is that so?" Himeko chuckled softly before putting Kiana down to the ground again. "Well Bronya, she's all yours."

"E-eh?!" Kiana is absolute flabbergasted , she turned to Bronya again to see her charging another blast towards her and thus she began to run away again. "Mei-senpai help me!!"

"Eliminating subject Kiana.."

"Mei-senpai!!! Helpppp!!!"

Ignoring the Kaslana's cries for help, Himeko sat on the dining table with a tired expression on her face. Mei being the loving and caring person she is, makes a drink for her Sensei.

"For you Himeko-Sensei." She said kindly. "You looked incredibly tired Sensei."

"Thank you Mei, I really am." Himeko happily sipped the drink that was offered to her and she let out a satisfied sound after gulping it down. "Especially with all the training I have to put Wan- I mean my paperwork."

"Huh?" Raiden Mei's ears perked up at the familiarity of the name her Sensei said, she looked at her carefully and tilted her head. "What did you say earlier Sensei?"

She asked again, this time she made sure that she concentrated on hearing her this time.

Himeko looked away and whistle nervously, a couple of noticeable sweat dropping from her forehead which makes Mei suspicious even more. "Himeko-Sensei?"

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