Chapter 34 - My Everything

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That was the only way for Bronya and Mei to describe the appearance of The Honkai Beast before them. There was even a doubt in their hearts that the creature in front of them was the same Honkai Beast that they had just 'defeated' moments ago. Everything about it has turned disturbing, it has claws, it has sharp skin texture, and it looks very terrifying overall.

But what stood out the most was the Aura it's displayed.

The last time Bronya felt this kind of fear in her heart was 2 weeks ago when she stood before The Herrscher Of Thunder. Yet the Honkai Beast in front of her right now was able to give her the exact kind of fear as when she stood before the Herrscher Of Thunder. Bronya slowly retreated followed by Mei who is holding the unconscious Kiana, they retreated as they knew that if they fought this Beast right now..

They would die.

There is no scenarios that they would actually stand a single ounce of chance against this thing, not a single one. "Mei Nee-Sama.. we should probably retreat.."

Mei nodded her head, she was too stunned to speak especially after seeing Kiana getting impales right in front of her. The good news is that Kiana is still alive but there's no telling for how long. "We need to bring Kiana-chan to medical care..!"

In the blink of an eye, The Demonic Beast's right hand grew as it quickly headed towards the three girls and at that moment Bronya was able to react and bring her and her two friends to safety thanks to the Bunny Project.

"It hands can grow now.." Bronya says to herself, so that appearance isn't just for some display after all. "Mei Nee-Sama.. we have no shoot of winning here."

"I know Bronya-chan.. I know.." Mei sighs, she hold Kiana tightly in her arms. "But still, we need to bring Kiana to medical care.. if we don't.."

"I know Mei Nee-Sama.. but that's where our problem came in.." Bronya pointed at The Demonic Beast blocking all their escape routes, The Demonic Beast glared at the two of them and let out a demonic roar that made them both cover their ears. "We have to deal with that first.."

"..." Mei looked down at Kiana, she clenched her fist in frustration, again she was the one getting protected. "Kiana-chan.."

"Mei Nee-Sama stay here.. The Bronya will do the best so Mei Nee-Sama can escape and bring Kiana to medical care." Bronya's eyes lit up as Project Bunny began to prepare to release more blasts. "Mei Nee-Sama, get ready."

Mei wanted to argue at first but at the same time if she were to take more time then Kiana would die due to loss of blood, and so with a heavy heart Mei nodded her head. "I'm ready."

Bronya stood against The Demonic Beast with Project Bunny ready the whole time by her side, it has been a long time since she would have to fought like this. There was doubt in her heart that she could do it but still, winning was not her main priority..

Her top priority was making sure Mei had the time to escape, that way Kiana could get the treatment she needed for her survival.

Bronya sighs and get her feet ready, when she feel the ground was shaking just a little she immediately moved towards The Demonic Beast at high speed. "Now Mei Nee-Sama!!"

Bronya fired several blasts at The Demonic Beast, intending to push it against the wall so Mei could escape. When she got close to The Beast, she made Project Bunny punch The Demonic Beast and from the looks of it it definitely caused some damage.

At the given opportunity, Mei picked up Kiana and started running towards The Escape path. However, just as she was about to escape, the escape route was blocked by some kind of demonic liquid. Her eyes widened as she realized that The Demonic Beast had taken control of the area around where they were.

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