Chapter 13 - Danger

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"Mind reminding me why am I doing this again?" The voice of Fujuki Hana who is clearly irritated fill the empty classroom.

Holding her broom she sweep the floor furiously to show that she's not willing to do any of this ridiculous work.

Not when she's about to go home and play some video games!

"I'm sorry Fujuki-san.. but well you know the deal." Wan apologies while he's cleaning all the dust on all the desks.

Hana can only sighed in defeat with nothing else they can do, if only 'that' didn't happen then maybe they wouldn't be in this situation.

What happened exactly?

Hana red eyes slowly went over to a certain Kaslana who is doing everything except cleaning. "Why aren't you cleaning!?" Hana asked furiously

"Eh? I did tho!" Kiana defends herself with her hands on her waist.

"You only wipe the whiteboard !"

"That counts as cleaning!"

"No it does not!"

Seeing the two girls fighting in front of him, Wan can't really do anything except just let it flow. He may not be the best when it comes to girl but for all he knows is to never interupped a girl when they're fighting..

Because if you did then you will be the one that ended up getting target

Speaking of this situation they're in, how did they get here?

For all Wan can remember is that it was the last class, it was a lesson about science and some experiments.

Usually they would go to the lab but the lab were having some kind of renovation if he remembered correctly, so they had to do some experiments in the class.

It was only a light experiment with no potential harm so that's why they ended up doing it in the class.

He got paired with Hana and Kiana, they did the experiment rather smoothly at first.. keyword :

At first.

Until Kiana did something rather stupid for her own good which makes the whole classroom turn into a mess.

And now because of that the teacher assigned them to clean the classroom and told them they can't leave until the classroom is completely clean.

Despite Kiana being the one who did it, both Wan and Hana still has to clean the classroom with her nonetheless.

Wan personally doesn't have any problem with it since he himself is not a very big fan of the idea of letting Kiana cleaning the whole classroom all by herself.

But if we're talking about Hana. Yeah, she clearly looks like she wants none of it..


"Kiana you're not even cleaning properly!"

"I am tho!"

"Who cleans desk with a broom?!"


With all these chaos happening between Hana and Kiana, it took them around 2 hours to clean the classroom when it should've only took them around an hour or even half an hour.

Certainly all those talking did more than their actions, well they have Wan to thanked for.

He's the only one who actually cleaned all the stuff away properly, imagine if it wasn't for him then they'd probably be staying in the classroom until tomorrow.

"Phew finally done!" Kiana exclaimed happily as she put the broom away.

"You barely clean anything." Says Hana

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