Chapter 12 - That Man

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The sound of students leaving the school filled the air, it has been almost 2 weeks since Hoshino Wan moved to Nagazora.

Excluding all the things that had been happening to him and everything around him, everything is going great and amazing!

The moving of a certain Kaslana into his apartment certainly make his apartment life becomes more enjoyable considering how playful and cheerful Kiana is.

But the pale looking teenager always find himself cleaning all the mess left by Kiana, somehow it feels like he has to clean double the amount he usually does,

and it's not like he hasn't asks the Kaslana to clean after herself, the amount of time he has asked her isn't countable with just the amount of fingers a person has.

But it's all good for Wan since having Kiana living with him makes him less lonely.

Back to the present, while all the students leaving the school excitedly with their friends. Wan and a certain Heiress is sparring together inside the gymnasium.

More specifically Kendo sparring,

"You're doing great Wan, but try to be more faster!" The sound of Mei's bokken continually hitting Wan's bokken filled the whole gymnasiums.

"Ri-right!" Wan tries his best to block most of Mei's attack. Just earlier he was doing just great by blocking all the Heiress attack but it doesn't take long enough for Wan to realized that Mei was just playing around at first and she was just warming up,

that's when the whole situation turn upside down. The Wan who was doing just great earlier find himself getting completely overwhelmed and dominated by the power and skills of Raiden Mei.

There was a reason they called Mei one of the best in Kendo after all.

"Don't get lost in thought!" Mei lets out a battle scream before she strike Wan's down, making his bokken slip out of his hand.

Wan breathe heavily after his defeat. He lay down on the wooden floor, completely exhausted.

"I'm sorry Mei.. I know I asks you to teach me but I feel like I haven't made any noticeable progress at all." Wan sit up tiredly while holding his breathe together.

The Heiress expression softened as she gently sit down beside her friend. "Hey, I'm the one who originally offer to train you and if you asked me, I think you're doing just amazing with your training progression."

"You only say that because I'm your friend.."

"No, I'm saying this because I know."

Wan looked at Mei beside him as he lets out a soft smirk, this is the fourth time they had sparred but during all those sparring there isn't a single one where Wan is remotely close to beating the Heiress.

Some might say that's normal considering he just started learning while Mei on the other hand has learnt Kendo practically all her life.

But for Hoshino Wan, it's frustrating.

He doesn't understand it himself as to why he suddenly ask Mei to train him but if he were to guess it might have got to do with what happened on that night.

The night that left him traumatized.

Wan recalled back to that night when he helped Mizunoki fight against Rita.

During that time when he decided to help Mizunoki, Wan understand just by seeing That Maid eyes he's well aware that she could've killed him if she really wanted to but she chooses not to.

Knowing that fact alone left Wan feeling uneasy, the thought of his life ending on that night make him felt fear that he doesn't know he could felt.

This is the only reason that Wan could think of as to why he find himself asking the Heiress to train him Kendo, it might seems useless but Wan has this feeling that he might need it in the future.

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