Chapter 89 - No, Not Yet.

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Once, amidst the annals of history, strode a man whose very essence echoed with the thunderous might of titans,

whose indomitable will carved paths through the very fabric of existence, and whose every breath whispered tales of cruelty to those who dared cross his path.

Renowned for his unparalleled strength, he towered above mortals as a colossus among ants,

a living testament to the unfathomable potential of the human form.

Yet, it was not merely the raw power coursing through his sinews that rendered him a force to be reckoned with;

it was the intricate dance of technique and the unyielding conviction that pulsed within his veins,

laying waste to any who dared stand against him, reducing even the most formidable adversaries to naught but quivering wrecks upon their knees.

And in the face of insurmountable odds, he stood as a bastion of resilience, defying fate's cruel machinations with a steadfast resolve that knew no bounds.

But as the shadows of destiny closed in around him, he found himself confronted with a choice that would echo through the annals of time.

Forced to confront the limits of his own mortality, he embraced the ultimate sacrifice, laying down his life in a final act of defiance against the forces that sought to subjugate him.

And though his physical form may have succumbed to the ravages of time,

His spirit endured,

A beacon of hope for generations yet unborn,

A testament to the enduring power of the human soul.

He is known by a name whispered in hushed tones, a name veiled in mystery yet laden with the weight of countless tales untold.


Shin Musashi.

'That's the extent of my knowledge,' I mused inwardly, my breaths coming in ragged gasps as I lowered my hand to the ground. 'But what lies beyond? I don't have much knowledge on...'

Shin Musashi, my father, a figure shrouded in tales of valor and strength. Despite his significance, my understanding of him remains scant.

Following the events of last year, I searched answers from Theresa-san, yearning to unravel the mysteries of the man who had selflessly risked all for me, unbeknownst to my ignorant self.

Yet, as I asked her for insights...

'I'll tell you more when the time is right.'

'The journey of your father is... a harrowing one.'

'Maybe sometime later?'

These were her responses...

But one truth remained crystal clear:

In comparison to me, my father possessed a multitude of abilities and strength far beyond my own.

Beside him, my capabilities paled in comparison.

And so, I find myself endeavoring to replicate some of my father's extraordinary feats.

Who's to say? Perhaps I could master them as well?

"..." I narrowed my eyes, fixating my energy onto a singular point on the ground.

Beads of sweat trickled down my forehead, a testament to my efforts, until, ultimately, I sighed in resignation.

At last, I cannot create creatures from my energy as my Father could.

"Ability, huh..." I murmured to myself. "How on earth did Father pull off that stuff?"

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