Chapter 60 - Kindness And Destruction

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[A Few Hours After The Attack]

[Shicksal's Headquarters]

"Other than those two, there really aren't any other clues you can find?"

"As much as I hate to say it, yes." Mizunoki sighed. Unfortunately for her and the others, the only clue they have to Noah's whereabouts is a paper he purposely left behind for them to read. "The only thing we know about him is that he is hiding somewhere in Malaysia."

Sitting cross-legged, Murata Himeko with Theresa Apocalypse beside her was thinking carefully about the surprise attack that had just happened. It all happened so suddenly that no one expected it and no matter how hard they thought, they couldn't find the reason why this Noah suddenly attacked them and from the way Mizunoki saw it, he was specifically targeting Hoshino Wan.

"Because of that guy many people's were killed.." Mizunoki clench her fist in anger, to say she was pissed at this unexpected visitor is an understatement. "Right in front of Wan too.. all the thing that Hana had planned for Wan in order to cheer him up was destroyed by him in just a mere second."

"Mind telling me his name again?" Theresa who sounded worried, voiced her question.

"Noah, that's what Wan told me but whether that's his real name or not is unknown."

"So our information about this man is very limited huh?" Himeko cursed under her breath, it had been a few hours since she heard the unexpected news of the unexpected attack from Fu Hua and she was absolutely furious when she heard it.

They weren't even done with the aftermath of The Anti Entropy incident but now they had to pay attention to this Noah as well.

Theresa was very quiet, she crossed her arms and let out a deep breath. The only thing on her mind right now was if Wan was okay, he was still recovering from what happened at St Freya but now he had to deal with this as well. 'No No.. he's a strong boy..' Theresa shook her head and gave her full attention towards Mizunoki, she was not going to take this case lightly.

They are not dealing with Honkai Beasts but rather with other humans whose intentions are unclear.

"About this other clue Noah gave, are you sure you didn't misread it?" Theresa asked the agent in front of her with a serious expression on her face.

"I didn't and that's why I'm actually quite pissed." Mizunoki went to reach into her back pocket, pulling out the paper she and Wan had found from where Noah had last stood before throwing it for Theresa to catch. "It's like he is mocking us."

Theresa easily caught the paper and quickly read it along with Himeko sitting next to her. After reading, the two of them could understand why Mizunoki was a little pissed. The writing on the paper not only gave them clues about his whereabouts but he also helped them in their mission in order to find him by pointing out certain individuals who could help them find information about him.

It was almost as if he was taunting them, basically saying that if he didn't give this clue then there would be no hope of them ever finding him.

"Seriously? It's really her." Himeko tilted her head as she read the last part, she rubbed both her eyes for a moment and read it more carefully this time but the result was the same as last time, she didn't misread anything. "Shinobu wasn't lying after all."

"Clista Isabella..." Theresa muttered silently the name written at the end of the paper.

15-year-old Clista Isabella is a famous rising star who has already spread her name around the entire globe. She is not only famous for her outrageous beauty but also various incredible talents from being able to sing, dance, act, and much more that one can only dream of.

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