Chapter 51 - St Freya Invasion (4)

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Mizunoki looked at the man with an unfazed expression, she lowered her head as she examined her Katana and the small blade that could be wield in her hand that was strapped to her belt. One might wonder where Mizunoki has gone all this time, is she with Anti Entropy or has she done something else?

"Shinobu.." Himeko looked at the woman in front of her in shock but what caught her attention the most was the small blade attached to her belt. Feeling more surprised, Himeko decided to ask. "You've finally use that weapon again... Shinobu are you deciding to finally-"

"Fully coming back to the world of Honkai again?" Mizunoki twirled her Katana with her right hand and drew out the small blade with her left hand as she glared at the man floating in the air. "Yeah."

Mizunoki Shinobu has been retired from the world of Honkai fighting for a long time but as we all know, she had to rejoin duty after a certain night. After Nagazora's destruction and after Hana enlists St Freya Academy, Mizunoki Shinobu finally decides that she has to fight again whether she likes it or not.

Therefore, for the past few months she has been engaged in combat and has been training herself in order to get herself back in shape just like how she was when she was young and perhaps regain if not everything, at least some of her Stigma's true abilities.

"It's very rude of you, a traitor, to appear again right before me." He was not pleased with her appearance, just by seeing her seethe him in a fury which he could not proceed to explain. "If you'd still want to live then maybe you should leave Shinobu, I'm giving you a chance."

Mizunoki didn't say anything at first, but after awhile she finally moved her lips. "If you really are from Anti Entropy then you should have already know who I am."

"I do, that's why I despise you."

"Then you should have already know that you stand no chance against me."

Feeling irritated, he laughed furiously before firing a blast from one of his hands towards Mizunoki. Without a word coming out of her mouth, Mizunoki dodged and threw her Katana aiming for his head in which he dodged by moving his head out of the way. "You couldn't even hit me!" He laughed.

"You really have no idea who I am.." says Mizunoki.

"Huh?" He looked a bit confused at first and that's when he saw Mizunoki instantly disappear from his sight and before he could react further, Mizunoki had already appeared right behind him or rather towards her Katana that she threw earlier. "What?!-"

"If you don't even know the simplest of my abilities then you really have no chance of beating me." Mizunoki proceeded to stab him through the heart with her Katana and then proceeded to throw him to the ground.

There was a big crack in the ground and the ground shook a little as he hit the ground, it showed just how powerful Mizunoki's throw was. Mizunoki landed safely on the ground right in front of Himeko and Hana.

"Mizunoki-san!.." Hana smiled at her, just seeing her give her the sense of security. "Oh you don't know how happy I am to see you!"

"That so?" Mizunoki smiled softly, giving Hana a little pat on her hat before turning to Himeko. "Can you still fight?"

"Huh? Yeah I can." Answered Himeko.

"Good because you're going to work with me to defeat that guy." Mizunoki pointed towards her back, more specifically towards where the man had crashed to the ground earlier.

Hana and Himeko looked at each other for a moment, feeling slightly confused by her request especially after seeing Mizunoki literally stab the man in the heart.

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