Chapter 23 - Confession

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My eyes slowly slid open but I was met by an unusual scenery. Standing in the middle of a ruined city I looked around in confused, wondering where I was and how I got here.

I decided to take a walk around in the ruined city thinking that maybe I could figure out where I was now. But it's hard to tell because the more I walk, the more I notice that almost everything is completely destroyed.

From the once beautiful building, everything has fallen. Though I can't help but feel that the way everything around me is destroyed in a completely unnatural way.. almost as if something like this did not happen merely by a natural disasters.

I sigh and decide to continue my walk to search and find out more about this place. Eventually, my feet stumbled upon something. I slowly looked down to see what it was,

My heart sank and my eyes widened when I saw what it was. I quickly covered my mouth to prevent myself from vomiting. What is under my feet now, is the body of a dead child. A kid who doesn't look like he's past 10 years old.

"What's this..?" I asked myself in disgust and disbelief.

I noticed that there's some kind of purple vein on the child skin. I don't know what that is but I have a feeling that whatever that is is what killed him and I need to get away from that thing as soon as possible.

I calmed myself down and pray for the dead child before I continue my walk. I've been walking for a very long time already but i still have no clue where I currently am right now. Maybe it's just me but somehow this place feels oddfully familiar.

After awhile I decide to take a break and sit down on a bench that is somehow still intact. As I sat down, I looked around and just like before everything is completely destroyed. Suddenly, my eyes locked onto a one specific building that is still standing despite other buildings already fallen down.

"That building is still standing.."

I stare at the building from where I am currently sitting. It might still be standing but from the looks of it it doesn't seems to be able to withstand that much damaged as it has already looked pretty ruined itself too.

But the fact that it's still standing is pretty impressive. I looked at the building for a much longer time, something about that building make is kinda familiar and so I focused more onto staring at it.

I stare and stare until my eyes widened when I finally understand why it looks so familiar. I was quick to stand from the bench and without further I decide to run around to confirm myself if what I'm thinking right now is true.

Because if that building is the building I thought it is, then the place I'm currently at right now is..

"No no.. just chill.." I assured myself.

However, the more I run and looked around the more I start to notice everything started to look more and more familiar. From the ruined store, all the fallen building, and that standing building..

The place I'm currently at right now, this whole ruined city.. no doubt, it is definitely

"Nagazora." I whisper to myself quitely.

I can feel my body getting tense, now that I know where I'm at I feel like I'm gonna vomit. What happened here? How am I the only one who is still alive?

Where's Mizunoki-san? Kiana? Fujuki-san? Everyone?

Where's.. Mei?

"You were supposed to protect me?" I heard a familiar voice from behind. Cautiously I looked behind me and how suprised I was to see it is none other but Mei. "You? You were the one who supposed to protect me? Don't make me laugh."

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