Chapter 72 - Shield Of Loyalty

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The beast summoned before us was not merely scary; it exuded absolute terror. As Clista disclosed that it was just one of many beasts my father could summon, my heart sank momentarily, gripped by apprehension.

"What..?" My breath catches for a moment, questioning whether I heard correctly or if there might be a misunderstanding.

Kanae and Clista must have noticed the expression on my face, which undoubtedly conveyed volumes as I locked eyes with the beast. My mind raced with possibilities as I pondered how Noah managed to summon a creature linked to my father.

As my gaze shifted from the imposing beast to Noah, I noticed a flicker of remorse in his eyes, almost as if he were silently apologizing to me. His expression added another layer of complexity to the situation, stirring a mix of emotions within me.

"Noah... what have you..." My voice faltered, the words catching in my throat, as I continued to fixate on the masked figure. Clista gently held me, attempting to soothe my rising agitation, while Kanae, though still visibly concerned, readied herself for another potential confrontation.

No, I can't comprehend it. Is he wielding my father's power? If so, how did he come to possess it? No, what truly happened? Where is father?

As my thoughts swirled with questions and concerns, I felt Clista's reassuring touch, her gentle hand rubbing mine as she spoke soft words to ease my distress.

"Calm yourself, dear," Clista murmured, her voice a soothing balm. "We will find the answers together. Right now, focus on what's in front of us."

As much as I wished her words could pacify my racing thoughts, they fell short. Too many uncertainties flooded my mind, rendering me unable to tear my gaze away from Noah and his persistent expression of remorse.

"Snap out of it," Kanae's voice cut through the haze of my thoughts, firm and commanding. "We don't have time for distractions. Get yourself together and prepare for battle. We need to face this beast head-on." Her words jolted me back to the present moment, urging me to focus on the imminent threat before us.

At her command, I reluctantly redirect my gaze to the beast, its eyes fixed on me. Knowing it to be one of my father's summons, a sense of familiarity with its energy washes over me, heightening my hesitation.

Suddenly, our attention is diverted by the sound of footsteps rapidly approaching. Turning towards the source, I see Kiana and Bronya emerging into view, joining forces with Kanae and Clista in preparation for the impending battle against the beast and Noah.

"We're sorry we're late!" Kiana exclaims as she readies her two guns, her determination evident.

Bronya remains silent, Project Bunny by her side, poised for the impending combat.

Kanae swiftly issues orders, directing Kiana and Bronya to take up strategic positions. "The two of you, get ready!"

Without hesitation, the three of them assume their stances, weapons at the ready, prepared for whatever may come.

Meanwhile, Clista continues to hold my hand, her touch gentle yet steadfast, while her eyes convey a sense of regret. Despite her efforts to comfort me, the weight of uncertainty still hangs heavy in the air.

What's with that look, Clista? Why are you giving me those eyes filled with regret?

"Wan..." Her voice barely above a whisper, she meets my gaze, and I sense the struggle behind her eyes, as if she's fighting back tears.

Why? Why do you seem like you want to apologize to me? What have you done?

And in that moment, Clista's gaze shifts towards the beast, prompting me to follow suit. We both fixate on it for a fleeting moment before Clista returns her regretful gaze to me.

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