Chapter 39 - Is It Really The End ?

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[14 years ago]

"Shin, have you finally lost your mind?!" It was a very gloomy night, the rain that showed no signs of stopping with the constant thunder making loud noises across the sky. An old man was seen standing with a crying baby in his arms, he stood facing a man whose face could not be seen because he was not facing him. Out of anger, the old man raised his voice to speak to the man once again. "I ask you if you have finally lost your mind?! SHIN!"

The surrounding area from where they were standing was all destroyed, there were several fallen Honkai Beasts on the ground and the person responsible for all the fallen Honkai Beasts was none other than the man standing in front of the old man himself. No words came out of the man's mouth, instead, he simply ignored the old man behind him and started walking away.

"I am talking to you Shin!" The old man called him out again, he was still holding the crying baby tightly in his arms. "Listen to me when I'm talking!"

He continued to raise his voice but none of the old men attempts of calling out the man's name even come remotely close to stopping him from continuing his steps. Finally, the old man snapped and raised his voice to it's absolute maximum.


The man finally stopped, but he still did not face the old man behind him. Not because he didn't want to but because he was afraid to look back at the one he left in the old man's arms and care, the baby in the old man's arms.P

"What is it Father?" He spoke.

"You tell me?!" The old man spoke angrily. "Leaving your own father behind is one thing but leaving your very own son?! SHIN THINK! HE DOESN'T HAVE A MOTHER, AT THE VERY LEAST DON'T MAKE HIM GREW UP WITHOUT A FATHER BY HIS SIDE!!!"

"He is my son and I know what he is capable of, growing up without a father won't be a problem to him." The Man said calmly, he took a deep breath before letting it out and continuing. "Besides, he has you.. his grandfather."

"What will I tell him Shin?!"

"It will not be necessary for him to know about me," Said the Man, although his voice was calm but there was still a hint of sadness in his voice. "Just raise him like how you raise me.. he'll be just fine.."

A momentary silence filled the atmosphere between the two of them, the rain started to get heavier with thunder striking down more and more with each passing second. Finally, the Man resumed his steps and continued walking again. "I should go, Theresa is waiting for me..."

"Shin I am not done talking yet!" The old man took a step forward, despite his anger, there was a lot of sadness in his fragile heart. "I didn't raise you to be like this!"

The man ignored him and kept walking further and further. He wanted to say something, he wanted to stay but he know that simply isn't possible. There are things he needs to do, not for himself but for the sake of his son.

His dearest and most precious son.

Even with the tears at the risked of falling down, he was unfazed by them because he was a man. As a man, he strongly believes that a man should not cry when they have made their decision because if they do then that means they haven't truly made their own decision yet.

The old man however did not give up, he called out to the man's name many times. "MUSASHI!"

The man sighed heavily and stopped in his tracks one more time, he forced himself to smile as he finally looked back a little. His eyes met the old man's and with a mixed tone in his voice, he slowly said to him.

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