Chapter 94 - Understanding The Past (3)

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The word slipped from Wan's lips, barely more than a whisper. He stared at the tall man before him, his expression a mix of confusion and disbelief. Though Musashi's face remained stoic, a flicker of surprise flashed in his eyes at the mention of the word.

'No, it can't be... I saw Father for the last time a year ago,' Wan thought, holding his breath, his body trembling slightly. 'Who is this man standing before me?'

"Father?" Musashi tilted his head, an annoyed look crossing his features. "Is this some kind of joke I'm supposed to get?"

"Uh..." Wan stuttered.

Despite the uncertainty gnawing at him, Wan felt an undeniable recognition. The energy, the face—it all pointed to one conclusion. Yet, it seemed impossible.

'Could it really be him?' Wan wondered, his mind racing.

Musashi's thoughts mirrored his confusion. 'Father? What's he talking about? Is he delusional?' He narrowed his eyes, his hands resting in his pockets. Before him, an army born of his energy stood ready, prepared for anything. 'The power he holds... it's limitless.'

Summoning a knife forged from his own energy, Musashi prepared for a potential confrontation.

'He's incredibly strong,' Musashi thought, feeling a mixture of intrigue and apprehension.

"Enough of your nonsense. You still haven't answered my question," Musashi stated, slowly advancing toward Wan. His energy crackled in the air, and the army born from his immense power moved into position behind him. "What are you?"

Wan's heart raced. He gripped Celestial Harmony tightly, his silence speaking volumes as he braced himself for what was to come.

"Not the talking type, are you?" Musashi said calmly. "That's fine. You won't be talking much once I'm done with you."

"Wait...!" Wan exclaimed, raising his blade as Musashi charged forward. The clash of Musashi's knife against Celestial Harmony sent a shockwave through the air, and Wan grunted under the strain.

'So much power from such a small weapon?!' Wan thought, struggling to hold his ground against Musashi—or rather, his father.

'He's able to block it,' Musashi mused, a flicker of admiration in his eyes. But he quickly steeled himself and, with a single powerful swing, sent Wan flying into a nearby wall of ice.

"Argh!" Wan grunted in pain as he collided with the icy wall, slumping against it as he tried to catch his breath.

"Seiryu," Musashi's voice echoed through the air, commanding and resonant. A creature with a large blade materialized behind him, its presence both imposing and calm.

"Yes, my lord?" Seiryu responded, its gaze fixed on Wan's crumpled form against the ice wall.

"Do your thing," Musashi ordered, his tone leaving no room for hesitation.

Seiryu nodded, stepping forward with a measured grace, the large blade in its hand glinting ominously. Wan struggled to push himself off the wall, his breaths coming in ragged gasps.

"Stay back!" Wan shouted, raising Celestial Harmony once more, though his strength was waning. The creature's calm demeanor only heightened Wan's sense of impending danger.

Seiryu paused, its eyes meeting Wan's with a cold, calculating gaze. "You cannot resist forever," it intoned, raising its blade.

With a swift motion, Seiryu lunged, the blade descending in a blur. Wan barely managed to parry the strike, the force of the impact sending vibrations up his arm. He gritted his teeth, trying to summon the last reserves of his strength.

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