Chapter 93 - Understanding The Past (2)

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"Ich Liebe Dich..."

Everything felt off, nothing seemed right. The environment, the memories, and the... lives...

"You deceived me! You made me lower my guard so you can—**!"

"I wo—** do tha— s****"

The visions blurred and distorted, fragments of conversations intertwining in a chaotic dance. What kind of vision was this? Why were these memories surfacing now? It didn't sit quite right, yet somehow, in some inexplicable way...

It did.

Kiana's mind wrestled with the discordant images and emotions, trying to make sense of the haunting echoes from her past. Each word, each memory seemed both foreign and intimately familiar, pulling her deeper into a tangled web of recollections and forgotten truths.

"Save... me."

The voice echoed from the unknown, a haunting plea that didn't sit quite right. No matter how many times Kiana tried to piece it together, it never truly made sense.

A loud noise—an explosion—shattered the stillness, a cacophony of chaos preceding the moment her eyes fluttered open.

Then, more memories began to flood in, one after another.

"Heh! I'm a Kaslana; my blood boils when I see people in desperate need of help."

"My sweet baby girl... I'm so very proud of you, Kiana Kaslana."

"Here... have some bread."

"I'll be cheering you on every step of the way to becoming the strongest."

Some of these memories were familiar, comforting even. Yet, amidst the torrent of recollections, one stood out, enigmatic and unsettling.

She felt the hug from behind, a warm embrace that stirred a deep, long-buried longing within her.

"My poor little ****..."

"At least you won't be lonely anymore... see? I'm sharing this warm moment with you..."

Who? Who was this voice, this warmth that felt so achingly familiar yet shrouded in mystery?

Kiana's mind struggled to grasp the elusive threads of these memories, the echoes of a past that seemed both hers and not hers. The questions swirled within her, unanswered, as the world around her remained cloaked in the icy silence of Siberia.


"Ugh..." Kiana's body stirred as she slowly opened her eyes, feeling the cold bite of the snow beneath her cheek. The harsh Siberian landscape stretched out before her, stark and unyielding.

With a groan, she pushed herself up, shaking her head to clear the lingering haze of confusion. She brushed the snow off her battlesuit, the icy crystals clinging stubbornly to the fabric.

"Where... am I?" she murmured, her voice tinged with bewilderment as she took in her unfamiliar surroundings. The vast, snowy expanse offered no answers, only silence and an unsettling sense of isolation.

Kiana looked around, her eyes scanning the endless expanse of white that stretched out in all directions, the snow reflecting the pale light of the overcast sky. She slowly rose to her feet, the chill of the snow seeping through her battlesuit as she brushed off the remaining flakes.

Confusion clouded her thoughts. She was sure she had been inside the abandoned building just moments ago, yet now she found herself standing in what seemed like a vast, desolate snowfield.

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