Chapter 19 - Tip Of An Iceberg

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"I'm sorry that it has been a few days since I last give you a call gramps."

"It's fine," My gramps laughed through the phone, his usual cheerful laughed do make me feel relieved a little. "as long as you're okay it's all that matters to this old man."

"Right, of course I'm just fine." I nervously laughed.

It has been a day since I got discharged from the hospital and now I'm finally back to my apartment. It was tough work for Mizunoki-san as she has to clean up all the mess that in the apartment prior to Kiana kidnapping incident.

But Mizunoki-san is a very hardworking individual that won't stop until she sees something is a hundred percent clean so it only took her a few hours to get everything in tact, by the time me and Kiana went back to the apartment everything had been repaired and cleaned.

Right after getting back I immediately give my gramps a call. It's been a few days since I last call him and I was a bit nervous, but my nervousness is completely gone when my gramps seems so casual about it.

Which would bring us back to the present time.

"But I'm a bit curious," My body tense up slightly  because I had a feeling I know what my gramps is about to asked me. "It's not like you to give me late update, did something happened?"

Of course, I was right after all.

My grandpa has every right to be asking me that question especially knowing how unusual it is for me to not give my gramps a call. Back then, even for a second I would give gramps an update but it's a bit hard for me now with all these things going on.

And it's not like I can tell him that just a few days ago I fought against a godlike being and survive, and let's not even get me started on me being dead.

He will definitely freak out if he knows about it and if he freaks out, I freaks out.

And then everybody's will freaks out..
Yeah no thanks.

And so I decided to try my best and come with the most possible excuses that sounds completely logical. "I was busy doing some.. works.."

"What works?"

I should've give some better excuse!

'I need to learn how to lie better next time..' My eyes darted as I facepalm myself after giving the most basic excuses. "Ah well.. it's some work with Mei."

"With Mei you say? Raiden Mei?"

"Ah yeah-" I was about to say something until my face turned pale upon realizing what I had done. "Wait no I mean-"

And that's when my fear becomes reality as I heard a loud slam of a table from the other side of the phone call. "Gramps.. now don't you-"

"To celebrate my grandson getting his girlfriend!"  My gramps said excitedly, he is so excited and energetic that I can heard him drinking what I assume to be alcohol just through the phone.


"I thought you were just lucky back then but looks like you really are close with her after all! Bagahahaa!!!"

If I can bury myself six feet under I would literally do it right now just from the fact how embarrassed I feel right now.

Or maybe I should just bury the light deep within myself.

"Alright cut that topic off!" I speak in a stern voice. "I sure hope you don't do anything stupid while I was away gramps!"

"Why would you think that?" I could hear my grandpa chuckling a little but there was a hint of nervousness in his voice."you know I wouldn't do anything like that."

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