Chapter 24 - Hypocrite

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Thunderstorms enveloped the Nagazora sky, the once blue clouds had turned dark over the past few days. The air also felt heavy, giving the feeling as if everything has gone wrong.

In which it has.

It's been 5 days since Raiden Ryoma confessed his 'crime' and for those 5 days everyone turned their backs on Ryoma and his families, acting as if they always hated him from the beginning.

The media and journalists didn't help either. With Ryoma thrown in jail, the only person the media and reporters can turn to is his daughter.

Raiden Mei.

Her father had confessed about his crime at the same time as the Festival was going on. And at that time after everyone found out the news, they immediately turned their backs on the Heiress..

Calling her name,

despise her,

hating on her,

And what's worse is calling her a criminal's daughter.

The people who used to adored and loved her instantly despised her like they never really cared about her in the first place which is the sad truth. It's sad, everyone is only there for Mei because of her status and wealth.

But when everything was taken away from her, they all turned their backs because deep in their hearts.. they have always despised Raiden Mei.

They never truly cared about the Heiress called Raiden Mei.


"Mei-sama.." A knock on the door could be heard many times, this was not the first time the door had been knocked. In fact ,the person has been knocking on the same door since Morning. "Mei-sama.. you haven't eaten the breakfast I've prepared for you."

In her room, Mei can be seen curled up in a ball while hiding herself in her blanket. It had been 5 days since she last went to the school and she had no intention of going there anytime soon.

Her red eyes clearly showed that she had been crying non-stop and her disheveled hair and disheveled face showed that she had not taken care of herself after the incident.

She was confused and heartbroken, why did her father do that? Rather, but why did her father lie? She knew that her father was a good man but why did he confess to all the crimes he didn't commit?

It all confuses Mei and don't even get her started about many people have sent her so many hateful messages. Everyone and by that she means EVERYONE hates her now.

"Why me..?" Mei asks herself as she continued to sob harder.

All her classmates and everyone at school hate her. They kept saying things like how her family ruined everything and that she was just the daughter of a criminal.

She still remembers that day at the Festival, the day where it should have been her happiest day was completely destroyed in an instant.

Everyone suddenly turned on her and they went to great lengths to hurt her physically..

It started when Mei decided to just went back from the Festival. She tried her best to avoid everyone's gaze but as she walked she was constantly being teased and even slapped by many other students.

"What a bit*h she actually is!"

"Guys look! The daughter of the criminal."

"You wanna bet how much that she's actually a slut daughter aswell?"

"You should kill yourself Mei."

"Turns out you really can't judge a book by its cover."

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