Chapter 8 - Mizunoki Shinobu

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It is a quiet and peaceful night inside a forest, the sound of the wind and the river can be heard.

But the previously peaceful and quiet night inside the forest, turn into a disasters. This time instead of a sound of the river flowing, a loud bang and explosion is presence instead.

And in the midst of the loud explosion, a young girl with white hair could be seen seemingly running away from whatever it is that is making the disturbance in the forest.

"They really won't give up do they?!" The girl said in frustration,

"Don't let her run away! Catch her like your life depends on it!" Said one of the many Valkryies

The girl that is on the run right now is Kiana,

Kiana Kaslana.

She was just on her way to a place called Nagazora and she was so sure she is undetected but somehow these Valkryies know where she is!

Kiana doesn't know why the Valkryies hunt her down and it's not like she's in an eager to find out right now for all she knows is that her father always told her to beware of these Valkryies.

Kiana ran as fast as she could but she can't really run to the most of her potential, at least not with an injured leg.

It has been like these for a few hours now, The Valkryies hunting her down seemingly with no end and during their chase, one of the Valkryies managed to shoot her on her thighs which caused her to bleed.

But she's a Kaslana and a Kaslana never give up!

There's no limit to her attributes!

So Kiana continue to run, she ran as fast as she could while trying to find a way so that she could potentially hide from the Valkryies.

She look around the forest but all she can see is trees, how is she supposed to even do anything with this?!

She was never the best type in making strategies in the first place after all,

She's more to engaging into combat recklessly kind of type.

Kiana takes out her gun and try to shoot off some of the Valkryies behind her in hope that It'll hit some of them.

And it does, the only problem now is that the Valkryies have some kind of armour protecting their skin, the armour is so tough that not even a bullet can pierce through it.

"Ahh what now!?" Kiana yelled out in desperation, if only her father didn't disappear out of nowhere then she wouldn't be here in the first place trying to search for that stupid old man.

Kiana eventually reach a dead end as she was met by a cliff, She slowly turn her body around and saw the amount of how many Valkryies is in front of her.

"Kiana Kaslana surrender yourself, you have no way of escaping now." The leading Valkryie command Kiana

All of them has their weapons aim towards Kiana in case she try to make a move.

Anyone else in this situation would be fazed and scared for their dear life, begging to be spared.

But not for Kiana,

A grin slowly appears on Kiana's face, it doesn't matter how bad of a situation she's in, she will never turned herself in.

Giving up doesn't exist in the Kaslana book!

One way or another, she will find a way to escape!

"You guys want to catch me that bad right?" Kiana says to the Valkryies in a mocking manner.

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