Chapter 22 - Two Path

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It was a very dull night for the famous Raiden Ryoma in his office. The dark spot under his eyes making it very clear just how much he has been working. His dark purplish hair has gotten pretty frizzy, and his body is telling him that he needs to get a rest.

But due to the attacks that happened a few weeks ago, he can hardly rest let alone spend time with his daughter.

"Why is all of this happening to me.." Ryoma sigh. He looked to the side of his table, a picture of his daughter and his late wife smiling happily.

How he missed the day where his wife was still around. But that would be nothing but a dream that he wishes to come true, one that would never come true no matter how much he wishes so. Ryoma sit up straight again and stretch his body just to relieve himself.

The whole company has been in the mess just from that one intruder and that was weeks ago. Everyone has been looking at him doubtfully now, questioning wether is Ryoma really a suitable person that they can trust their life with?

If something else were to happend again to ME Corp then his name will be tarnished and his can kiss goodbye to his reputation. To be completely honest, Ryoma doesn't really care about himself but he is worried that whatever happened next will effect his daughter life too.

That's the last thing he wants to happen.

Mei already has it tough for her as the daughter of him, she is bound to be the Heiress. The problem is how everyone else's treat her, he's aware that almost everyone is taking advantage of his daughter just because of her status.

But let's say that status were to be taken away, what do you think will happen?

Ryoma sighs and rubbed his eyes, the last thing he wants to do right now is trying to stressed himself out. He better get all of this fixed, he got his daughter tournament he has to attend after all.

As he resumes his work, a knock on his door could be heard. Feeling confused as to who could be visiting this late at night, Ryoma let whoever it is inside. "Come in."

The door slid open, revealing a blond hair woman. It was none other than Cocolia.
"I'd figured you would still be working at this hour."

Ryoma looked at her, clearly a bit irritated. With a stern expression, he asked the woman in front of him. "What do you want now?"

He already has it tough, he doesn't want anything more with this crazy woman around.
"Can't you see I'm busy? Whatever you wanted to talk with we can talk about it tomorrow morning."

Cocolia smirk in amusement, she gets closer to where Ryoma is sitting and take a chair before sitting down just across him, crossing her legs. "Oh no, this thing is very important."

Ryoma stop with his works, with a loud sighs he slowly lift his head up to face the blond hair woman. "Spit it out or I'll call the security."

"Of course you would be so impatient." Cocolia laugh heartily at the warning given at her by Ryoma, finding it very funny rather than scary. "We've known eachother for so long, what's with the rush?"

"It's either you spit it out right now," with a very stern expression on his face, Ryoma take his phone and scroll through the many contacts that's available. "Or I'll call Shinobu."

He says before he showed the contact 'Mizunoki Shinobu' to Cocolia. The expressions of amusement in Cocolia face turned to that of an annoyed one. "Tch, fine."

Ryoma put back down his phone and lean back on his seat while crossing his arms as he waited for Cocolia to spit out whatever she is about to say that's apparently very important.

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