Chapter 87 - The Worst

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Rita Rossweisse's calm and measured steps echoed through the empty hallway of St. Freya Academy. A gentle smile adorned her face as she strolled through the nearly silent corridor; the students were in their classes, explaining the tranquility.

Her footsteps came to a halt in front of a door that led to the office of Theresa, the Principal of St. Freya Academy. She knocked lightly, awaiting a response.

'Knowing Theresa-sama, she might take a while,' Rita mused, turning to gaze out of a nearby window. Outside, she could see the first-year students assembling for their combat exam. 'Looks like the first-years are getting ready for their combat exam,' she noted with a calm demeanor.

As she observed the gathering of first-year students, her eyes drifted to a particular student among the crowd, a soft hum of amusement escaping her lips.

"Oh?" she chuckled, tilting her head. "What brings her here?"

Her attention shifted as the door finally swung open, revealing the petite principal, Theresa, panting heavily as she hurried to welcome Rita.

"R-Rita! That was fast!" Theresa exclaimed, catching her breath. "I didn't think you'd get here so quickly!"

Rita's smile was calm and composed. "Otto-sama requested that I come and observe the students as soon as possible. I couldn't refuse, could I?"

"Of course..." Theresa rubbed her cheek and sighed, just when she thought she'd have some time to read that manga she'd been looking forward to.

She quickly shook her head to refocus on Rita. "Anyway, come on in—huh?"

She paused, noticing Rita peering out the window, her gaze fixed on the crowd of first-year students, or rather, on one student in particular.

"What are you looking at?" Theresa asked, her curiosity piqued.

"Nothing much," Rita replied with a faint smile. "I just didn't expect The Principal to take a chance on a student with zero potential and let them pursue their dream of becoming a Valkyrie."

Theresa blinked, momentarily confused, but it didn't take long for her to realize whom Rita was referring to. Her expression softened as she looked out the window, her gaze settling on a specific student among the first-years.

From where Theresa and Rita stood, they could see the student's nervous yet determined expression, suggesting she was prepared for any challenge ahead.

"Sakura..." Theresa murmured, her voice barely audible. "She has a long road ahead."

"I completely agree, though to be honest," Rita replied with a slight hint of harshness. "I don't think she'll pass this exam."

Theresa sighed and turned to face Rita. "I know she's got a steep hill to climb, but she's got spirit. Sometimes that's all it takes to surprise us."

Rita nodded but remained skeptical. "Spirit alone isn't enough to become a Valkyrie. There's a lot at stake, and the exams are designed to be rigorous. If she's not up to the challenge, it could put others at risk."

Theresa folded her arms and leaned back against the nearest wall, her eyes still on the window. "True, but everyone deserves a chance. Besides, who knows? Sakura might just surprise us. I’ve seen students with less potential achieve amazing things because they didn't give up."

Rita chuckled lightly, crossing her arms. "I admire your optimism, Theresa-sama. You always see the best in people." She glanced back out the window at the crowd of first-years gathering for the combat exam. "I suppose we'll see what she's made of soon enough."

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