Chapter 11 - Kiana Kaslana

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Wan stare at the front of the classroom as the teacher teaches the class, he tries to take note as often as he possibly can.

He might have gotten a good sleep yesterday but turns out 'good' isn't enough as he find himself actually getting sleepy throughout the entire lesson. As if that wasn't enough of a distraction for Hoshino Wan,

A certain Kaslana beside him continually try to strike a conversation with him doesn't really help his focus on trying to take the note in peace either.

"Hey Hey, You Haven't Told Me Your Name Yet!" The new transfer student besides him, Kiana, continue to poke his shoulder.

Wan glance at the girl on his left which is Kiana, he's not exactly bother by the fact she poke his shoulder or trying to continually strike a conversation with him, but he's not very fond of talking when the teacher is teaching the class. Who knows what kind of lesson he will missed when he strike a conversation with someone..

Not even mentioning the fact that he's still pretty awkward. As for right now the only people he can talk normally with is his Gramps, Mei, and the most recent one, Mizunoki-san.

"Hey don't ignore me!" Kiana exclaimed, she poke Wan's shoulder even harder.

"Kaslana-san.. we're in the middle of a lesson here.." Wan say quitely to the Whitehead

Kiana pout at his response and stop poking Wan shoulder. "What's your name?"

'She ignore the fact that I told her we're in the middle of a lesson..' Wan thought to himself

"Hoshino Wan." Wan response politely

Kiana lets out a playful humming right after she learned the name of the boy beside her. "A pale name for a pale looking guy! I'm Kiana!"

Wan felt as if his heart just got stab from the comments Kiana made but he try his best to hold the reaction froming coming out of his face. "O-of course.. nice to meet you Kaslana-san.."

"Why you're calling me that? I told you I'm Kiana."

"Huh? Oh well I mea-"

"No more Kaslana Kaslana San, just called me Kiana! Kaslana-san or whatever that is sounds weird!" Kiana cuts him off

A noticeable sweat drop from Wan forehead, he never encountered someone like Kiana's before but there's a first time for everything. "I see.. well.. nice to meet you.. Kiana."

How weird does it felt for Wan to call someone he just met yesterday by their name and not their family name?

Really weird.

Kiana smiles brightly after Wan call her by 'Kiana', she hummed playfully as she play with her pen, not showing any signs of actually wanting to study nor taking a note.

The two stays like that, Wan sighed in relief when he finally thinks that Kiana had decided to not strike a conversation anymore..

But oh was he about to be proven wrong by her.

The Whitehead looked back at Wan in which Wan also turn his head to looked at her. She stays silent for a bit while she continue to look at the boy.

"Wh-what is it.. Kiana?" Wan asks nervously

After awhile, a bright expression appears on Kiana's face. She point her finger towards Wan as she happily exclaimed loud enough for everyone in the class to hear, "I shall call you Wan-senpai!!"

The whole classroom fall into silence after Kiana exclamation, everyone turn their head to Kiana including the teacher before they looked at Wan.

'Why you guys looking at me?! I'm not the one yelling here!' Wan screams inside his thoughts.

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