Chapter 70 - Clashes Of Fates

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On this profoundly hushed night, as the clock ticks past midnight, the echoes of bustling crowds that once filled the city now fade into a melancholic silence, signaling the impending end of another day.

The chill in the air bites at the boy's skin, though perhaps it's not the temperature alone but the weight of loneliness that makes it feel so bitter. He lies in bed, devoid of blankets, his gaze fixed on the darkness beside him. Sleep eludes him, for even in exhaustion, the ache in his heart keeps him tethered to wakefulness, each passing moment stretching into an eternity of silent longing.

A soft yet weighted sigh escapes his lips as he reflects on the memories of all the friends he has lost. Hoshino Wan remained motionless for a moment, clutching the bedsheet tightly. "I'm such a fool," he whispered to himself. "Why do I even bother?"

Not a tear stained his face; instead, it bore the weight of disappointment directed inward. In moments like these, he yearned for someone to confide in, yet the very person he longed for had been torn away from him.

But even in her absence, there was another Wan could turn to...

"Ah..." Wan's hand instinctively reached for his phone before reality crashed back. His grandfather's ongoing treatment meant even phone calls were out of reach. "Right."

Wan's heart sank as the reminder of his grandfather's condition washed over him. The loneliness felt heavier now, knowing that even the solace of a phone call was denied to him. With a heavy sigh, he released his grip on the bedsheet and let his hand fall limply to his side. The silence of the room enveloped him, a tangible reminder of the void left by those he had lost.

With little deliberation, he attempted to shut his eyes and will himself into slumber, though he knew the futility of his efforts. After several fruitless minutes, he sighed in resignation and reluctantly reopened his eyes, acknowledging the impossibility of finding rest in the midst of his turmoil.

'You can't seem to move past your own failures, can you?' A sudden voice echoed in his mind, one that Wan recognized all too well.

"I'd appreciate a greeting before you launch into your critiques," Wan responded, his words measured and deliberate.

The voice in Wan's mind remained silent for a moment before speaking again, its tone softened slightly. 'Huh, I guess I should apologise to you Wan,' it said, with a hint of contrition. 'I forget sometimes that a simple greeting can go a long way.'

Wan couldn't help but smile faintly at the acknowledgment. Despite the internal struggle he faced, there was at least some familiarity of the voice, a reminder of the connection he shared with it.

"It's alright," Wan replied. "You're not here for just mere chitchat right? What do you want."

'...' Silence lingered for a few moments before the voice cautiously broke it. 'You're not considering giving up, are you, Hoshino?'

"No, that thought hasn't crossed my mind," Wan responded with a hint of resolve. "..It's not an option, even if I wanted it to be."

'Is it your compassion for humanity that keeps you going?'

The unexpected question caught him off guard, especially coming from the voice. "I'm not sure. Why don't you enlighten me?"

A soft chuckle escaped the voice. 'The classic deflection. Well, let's just say, love can be both a driving force and a burden. But what truly holds you back, I already have my suspicions.'

"You basically answered your own question when you greeted me with criticism."

'There's little benefit in dwelling on past failures now, Hoshino. It only serves to impede your progress.'

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