Chapter 63 - Don't Need Him

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Clista skipped through the flower garden, her brown braided pigtails bouncing against her back. The flowers were in full bloom, creating a symphony of colors that spread across the entire garden. The fragrance of the flowers was so strong it made Clista sneeze. Clista stumbled over a small mound of dirt, landing on her hands and knees. She shook the dirt off her knees and looked up, spotting a large dahlia bulb sticking out of the ground. She pulled it from the ground, taking a deep breath of the flower's sweet fragrance. Clista turned the bulb over in her hands, marveling at the intricate swirls on the flower's petals. She couldn't help but smile at her find.

"Usually I would be worried but then it's just you so I figured you'd be just fine." Walking behind her, watching her every step and ready to intervene in case of any serious danger, was a handsome tall man, staring at Clista with a concerned yet gentle expression on his face. "Just make sure not to fall again, Clista," he spoke cautiously, "otherwise your father might get angry with me."

"Okay Musashi!" The little girl exclaimed and she continued to move around the beautiful flower garden in excitement.

How happy the life of a young child,

Not having to worry about anything,

As she lay on the ground, Clista Isabella's chest rose and fell rapidly in an attempt to catch her breath. A wide smile was spread across her face, a clear indication that she was having a blast. The man next to her, his tall stature casting a gentle shadow over her, couldn't help but notice the joy emanating from the young princess as she played. "Tired already, Princess?" he asked with a sly grin, which only made the girl giggle loudly.

"I'm thirsty Musashi!" Clista exclaimed. "I want a drink!"

"Yeah yeah, we'll get you a drink on our way home."

"Can I get ice cream as well?"

The man's thick eyebrows arched, and he chuckled mildly at Clista's question. As expected, she had asked for ice cream again. He was used to her persistent nature, but that didn't stop him from agreeing. With a nod, he added to Clista's excitement, making her spring back to her feet. She gazed at the whimsical clouds, delighted by their unique shapes. "That cloud looks like a bunny!" she exclaimed, pointing to one that had captured her imagination.

"You are right," The man agrees and then Clista point towards another cloud that has a very unique shapes.

Clista's excitement was infectious, and before he knew it, the man found himself gazing at the clouds, too. She pointed towards a star-shaped cloud and exclaimed, "That one looks like a star!"

The man followed her gaze and nodded his agreement. "Indeed it does," he said, admiring the intricate shape. He couldn't help but notice the way it seemed to stand out from the rest of the clouds, almost alone in the sky. "It does look lonely, doesn't it?"

"Huh?" His words make Clista take a closer look at the star-shaped star more carefully. "Musashi is right, it does look lonely..."

"Yeah... it really does," the man's voice cracked slightly before he fell silent. For a few moments, he found himself staring blankly at the palm of his hand--all the life and purpose that once held his heart, now gone and reduced to a simple, empty void and if that wasn't enough, he was also feeling...


"Musashi?" Little Clista noticed the sudden change in his expression and, being the caring little girl that she is, decided to try to help in her own way. "Musashi, why do you seem so down?"

Hearing Clista question, the man simply smiled and shook his head. "I just remembered the greatest and the most precious gift I ever received, that's all."

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