Chapter 14 - Uneasy Feeling

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I can't help but ask the blue hair scientist in front of me again about what I just heard. At this point i wonder how many times I've been hoping that my ears is just playing tricks on me but no,

This time, despite asking again, I know and i heard it very well about what Einstein just say.

"Kiana is in danger as we speak right now."

But hearing her saying it again really threw it off for me. It was just a moment ago when me and Kiana were chilling in the park and eating some ice creams.

All of the sudden she's in danger?

"I heard you the first time.. what do you mean she's in danger?"

I can feel the tension building up as the two of us looked at each other right in the eyes. But I could care less about that right now as all I want to know now is what is happening.

"Do you remember that night?"

"I'm assuming you're talking about the night with the maid and all.."

Einstein nod her head before continuing with her explanation. "The Valkryies that were waiting there, they were waiting for Kiana arrival."


I think back about that night as I remember back all the Valkryies that were waiting on the entrance of Nagazora.

Now that I remember it correctly, I think I heard them talking about waiting for the whitehead.

After thinking about it for awhile, that's when such a late realization hit me hard like a truck. I should've suspected something when I first met Kiana under that bus stop.

Everything about her was suspicious when I first met her.

Not to mention all of her face that is filled with bruises, it was suspicious but I didn't think to much about it at first.. but now I get it,

They were waiting to catch Kiana.

The look on my face definitely give it out when Einstein chuckled slightly when she saw my face. "Looks like you get it." She says

Get it, no. I barely understand nothing, why Kiana? Why her? Is she a criminal or some sort? Why is she a target of Shicksal?

Every possibility is flowing through my mind as I recalled back to my moments with Kiana for these past five days I've known her.

But most importantly, does this mean Mizunoki-san knows about this?

But damn to hell with all these thing!
Kiana is in danger for crying out loud!

I immediately get up from my seat and slammed the table , not even caring if it'll take everyone attention in the entire fast food restaurant. "Then what are we waiting for?!"

Einstein seems unfazed as she just calmly stare at me. "I understand your feelings but even if we go there's not much we can do anyway, not when it's those 'two' Valkryies that is task to kidnapped her."

"Then what are you even telling me this for?!" I raise my voice in confusion and frustration.

"It's so you can get away from danger. Just being near Kiana Kaslana is putting your life in danger, let her be."

I could feel myself getting angry the moment she says 'let her be' , you gotta be kidding?!
"Let her be?! But I thought you say you want my help?"

"Only on Raiden Mei but even then I wouldn't ask you to do a dangerous task."

I gritted my teeth and clench my fist as hard as I could, who the hell cares about all that right now?!

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