Chapter 91 - Reason

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"We've been walking for quite a while, huh?" Wan's voice echoed through the thick forest as they trudged along. "Surprisingly, we haven't been attacked again."

"You want us to get attacked?" Hana raised an eyebrow. "That Maya did a number on my battlesuit, and I'm not in the mood for another fight that’ll mess it up even more."

Wan laughed, shaking his head. "Not exactly what I meant, but I'd rather be doing something than just walking."

"Man, we're practically winning this battle royale without lifting a finger! We've only had one fight, and now we're cruising!" Hana nodded, pleased with their current situation. "We should be grateful, really! Like we are—"

Suddenly, Wan raised his hand, and they both froze.

There was a subtle rustling in the bushes ahead.

"You see it, Hana?" Wan narrowed his eyes, his hand tightening around his Celestial Harmony.

"Could be a chicken," Hana said calmly, though her Katana was at the ready.

"They put animals in the simulation?"

"Who knows?" Hana chuckled. "Last thing we want is a bear. Remember that mission with the bear? You almost got eaten."

"Because you pointed at me..."

"Well, excuse me for not knowing bears understood sign language."

The rustling in the bush grew louder, drawing Wan and Hana’s attention. They squinted, trying to make out what was causing the disturbance.

"It really could just be a chicken," Hana suggested.

"I sense some kind of energy, though," Wan replied.

"A chicken could have energy. So could a rat. Oh, and a cockroach. Wait, is it a cockroach? Erghh, please no."

As they inched closer, the bush suddenly exploded with movement. Out leapt a tiny, furious squirrel, chattering wildly.

Wan and Hana both jumped back, their weapons at the ready.

"Oh, it's just a squirrel." Wan said, lowering his Celestial Harmony.

"Well, that explains the energy," Hana laughed. "Look at the little guy. He’s got more fight in him than half the teams we’ve faced."

The squirrel glared at them before scurrying up a nearby tree, still chattering indignantly.

"Good thing it wasn’t a cockroach," Wan said. "You would’ve had to handle that one."

Hana shuddered dramatically. "I’d rather face the bear again."

Suddenly, there was a movement behind them, accompanied by a tiny "ek!" Both Wan and Hana spun around in unison.

There, on her knees, was a girl in a battlesuit, clearly from another opponent team, looking like she had just face-planted into the ground.

"A-ah..." The girl stared nervously at the two of them, her hand tightly gripping her weapon, her body trembling.

Both Wan and Hana exchanged a glance, then looked back at the girl. An awkward silence hung between them.

"Well, well, well," Wan broke the silence, his tone calm. "Looks like it wasn't just a squirrel after all."

"It was indeed not just a squirrel," Hana chimed in. "This one's bigger, though. How should I take her down?"

"W-wait!" the girl stammered. "I-I'm not trying to fight!–"

Before she could finish, a sudden gust of wind blew her battlesuit helmet off, revealing a disheveled mop of hair and wide eyes.

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