Chapter 21 - A Special Day

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A new day arrived for the streets of Nagazora. The day that people hate the most, especially for the likes of students.

"Gah!.. why is it Monday already?!" Kiana who is walking beside Wan as they make their way to Chiba Academy complaints. "Why can't it be Saturday everyday..?"

"haha.. that's not exactly how the world works now Kiana.." a sweat drop from Wan face, it's only morning and Kiana already has enough energy to complaint loudly.

"I just want to sleep.." Kiana gritted her teeth, clearly irritated by the fact she has to wake up so early in the morning just for school. "can we go back Wan-senpai?.. skipping one day wouldn't hurt.."

"No Kiana.." Wan sighs. "We can't do that."

As if trying to persuade Wan, Kiana cling all over him and keep repeating the same phrase over and over again which is.

"Skipping one day wouldn't hurt Wan-senpai!"

Wan calm himself down and ignore her as they continue to walk. Eventually, Kiana gave up and accept her fate of going to school but now without a clear sulking expression on her face.

Once they arrived in front of the school gate, they were confused to see a lot of students outside of their class. Most of them looks like they were playing or looks like they're preparing something.

"Is there something special today Wan-senpai?" Kiana asked the boy beside her.

"No.. I don't think so..?" Wan answer back, just as confused as Kiana. "Maybe it's just us who doesn't know..?"

The two decided to just go inside the school but just like last time, they were confused to see everyone in the hallways. The amount of students going in and out of the classrooms as if it's their school for today.

"Alright maybe there is something today.." Wan says as he and Kiana look at eachother before continue their walk to their class.

Wan is the first to step inside the classroom follow by Kiana from behind, the moment they went inside they again.. is hella confused to see everyone doing and seemingly painting something.

There even is someone wearing some kind of a ghost costume!

Mei who were doing some works notice them and immediately greet them with a smile. "Wan, Kiana-chan! Come here!" She waved her hand.

Wan and Kiana did as they were told and walk closer to Mei. "Morning Mei.. what's uh hap-"

"Mei-senpai! What's happening why is everyone dressing up as a ghost?!"

Mei laughed at the oblivious expression both Wan and Kiana is making. It's quite cute for Mei that the two of them doesn't know what's coming in a few days from now on.
"I'm surprised you guys didn't know about it yet but that much is expected.."

"Know.. what exactly?" Wan asked again.

Mei smiled at the two of them before she decided to answer, but when she was about to open her mouth she was interrupted by Hana who suddenly appears behind Wan and Kiana. And with the energy that is second to none she yelled at the top of her lungs,

"Chiba Academy Festival!!!"

Wan jumped in suprised by Hana sudden appearance and fall down on the floor in which Mei quickly goes to his side. "Wan!"

Kiana who is not fazed by Hana appearance, looked at her in curiosity at what she just said.
"Festival?!" Kiana says excitedly.

She might not know much about Festival but for all she knows throughout her entire adventure so far is that Festival always has one thing and that one thing is none other but the best blessings from God,

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