Chapter 36 - Affection

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"I'm a...guy."

After stating the most obvious thing to the entirety of the classroom, everyone chuckled. Wan's face turned red and he just scratched his cheek shyly. He could see from a distance that the trio were trying to hold back their laughter, even Bronya who rarely showed any kind of emotion on her face was seen holding her mouth to try not to laugh..

"You know that you said the exact same thing back then at Chiba." Hana who was standing next to him whispered into his ear, reminding him of the first time he enrolled at Chiba Academy. His face grew even more red as he remembered the past, he quickly shook his head trying to get that incident out of his mind.

Whisper began to fill the classroom and Wan could see that almost all of the students is staring right at him while sharing a few whisper towards eachother. This kind of situation  makes Wan feel even more nervous but the fact that all the students here are girls doesn't help really help him either.

For some reason it felt like he was back to his first phase of awkwardness, only god knows how much Wan wanted that to not be the truth.

However everyone would immediately shut their mouth when Himeko slammed her hand onto the whiteboard, it was her usual way of trying to get her students attention and it always work. "Now the two here is Fujuki Hana and Hoshino Wan, I know what you're all are thinking right now but let's not make it a big of a deal."

Himeko turned to the two of them and motioned for them to sit down. "The two of you can sit down."

Both Wan and Hana nodded their heads together as they started walking to find a place to sit. On the way to his seat, Wan could hear many whispers addressed to him.

"What do you think? He's pretty okay no?"

"Hm? Well to be honest he looks.. I don't know. But hey, it's still a guy."

"If he were able to enrolled here then that must have mean he's something special."

"He looked basic but if you look at a certain view maybe you can argue he looked quite nice after all~"

"I'm gonna talk to him later."

Wan covered his face, their whispers didn't sound like whispers at this point. It was as if they wanted Wan to hear them talking about him which is something he was not used to.

The truth is, Wan didn't know that St Freya was an all girl school. If he had known that earlier then he would have made some preparations but no one told him about it! Not even Himeko!

Now he has to endure the stares of all the girls in the whole classroom.

As he and Hana walked to the back of the classroom, Wan felt a slight poke on his left stomach as he immediately turned to his side. His eyes now met with someone who's unlike everyone else, she was wearing a blue uniform. That person looked up and gave him a slight smiles as Wan immediately recognize her.

"You are-",

He gestured for Wan to keep quiet and Wan just did as what he was told before continue his walk to the back of the class. 'She's here too...'

Wan ended up sitting right next to Bronya and next to him of course was Hana, On Bronya's other side is Kiana and Mei who don't seem to like where Wan's is seating and it honestly confused the young boy as to why they would be displeased by that.

"Now I hope all of you will welcome the two of them warmly and like I always said!-" Himeko slammed her hands on the table with a stern expression forming on her face. "If I find out that there's bullying amongst the students I will personally hands out the punishment."

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