Chapter 84 - Catch-up

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Under the tranquil glow of the moon, a serene hush enveloped the surroundings as weary souls sought solace in sleep.

Among them was Wan, succumbing to the embrace of rest alongside Hana, their slumber undisturbed. Theresa's voice broke the silence, observing their peaceful repose.

"They seem to sleep soundly, don't they?" she remarked, her gaze drifting to the sleeping duo.

Mizunoki nodded in agreement. "Indeed they do."

"I'm surprised you're comfortable sleeping with them both," Theresa noted.

"I've done it before," Mizunoki replied casually.

"That explains it, I suppose," Theresa murmured. "Meanwhile, I'm left to tend to the others in the living room... and Himeko."

Mizunoki chuckled softly. "You'll manage."

Theresa scoffed, her eyes rolling. "I hope so."

Theresa's gaze then drifted back to Wan, her eyes tracing the contours of his peaceful slumber with a gentle smile gracing her lips. With a tender gesture, she knelt down, delicately placing a hand on his cheek.

"Goodnight," she whispered softly before withdrawing and rising to her feet. Mizunoki, still awake and observant, watched her silently.

"Hm?" Theresa's attention was drawn to Mizunoki's intent stare. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

Mizunoki remained silent for a moment, her gaze steady. Then, she spoke, her tone measured.

"There's something I've been meaning to ask..."

"About what?" Theresa raised an eyebrow, curious as to what Mizunoki wanted to ask her, especially at this late hour.

"I typically don't delve into personal matters, but..." Mizunoki trailed off, studying Theresa's expression for any subtle cues before pressing on. "What exactly is your relationship with Wan?"

Theresa's eyes widened at the unexpected question, momentarily speechless.

"Why so quiet?"

Theresa managed a weak smile, her mind racing to comprehend why Mizunoki was probing into this now.

"Why does that matter? Why are you asking these questions all of a sudden?" she questioned, her voice tinged with uncertainty.

Mizunoki regarded her calmly before responding, "I'm simply curious. You often seem to take on a maternal role with Wan, and I'm just interested in understanding why."

Theresa's smile faltered slightly, a hint of discomfort flickering in her eyes. "I... I suppose it's just natural for me to look out for him. He's been through a lot, you know?"

Mizunoki nodded, her expression thoughtful. "I understand. It's just something I've noticed."

Theresa nodded in return, the conversation lingering in the air, leaving an unspoken tension between them.

"But you know," Theresa's eyes wandered to Mizunoki, a somber expression clouding her features as she gathered her thoughts.

"It won't take long until Wan reaches that point," she continued, her voice tinged with a hint of sadness.

"What point?" Mizunoki's curiosity was piqued, her brow furrowing in confusion.

"The point where none of us have to care about him anymore," Theresa explained, her tone carrying a weight of resignation.

Mizunoki's expression softened, a mixture of understanding and concern evident in her eyes. "You mean the point where he becomes self-sufficient?"

Theresa nodded slowly, a faint tremor in her voice. "Yes, exactly. When he no longer needs us to watch over him, to worry about him... It's both a relief and a realization of his growing independence."

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