Chapter 78 - Hoshino Wan

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As his eyelids reluctantly parted, Wan found himself enveloped in the dim glow of the room, shadows playing across the ceiling like silent dancers in the night. The weight of exhaustion hung heavy upon him, dragging at his limbs as if urging him to surrender to the embrace of sleep once more.

With a slow and deliberate movement, he pushed himself upright, each motion a testament to the weariness that seemed to permeate every fiber of his being. His gaze wandered aimlessly, tracing the intricate patterns of the moonlight filtering through the window and casting ethereal shapes upon the walls.

Memories of the events leading up to this moment flooded his mind, each fragment swirling like mist in the recesses of his consciousness. He recalled the sensation of fading into unconsciousness, the comforting embrace of Mizunoki's arms serving as his only solace in the darkness that had threatened to consume him.

Lost in thought, Wan's attention was drawn to his own hand, palm upturned as if in supplication to the fickle whims of fate. It was then that he noticed the faint pressure against his other hand, a soft warmth that belied the slumbering form of Theresa, her presence a beacon of tranquility in the tumultuous sea of his thoughts.

"Principal...?" His voice was barely a whisper, hesitant to disturb the fragile peace of her sleep. Yet, as he studied her delicate features bathed in the moon's gentle light, he could not help but feel a pang of concern for the weariness etched upon her brow.

She had been waiting for him, of that much he was certain. The lines of exhaustion etched upon her face bore witness to the silent tears she had shed in his absence, her steadfast devotion a silent testament to the depth of her concern.

Even in her slumber, Theresa's grip on Wan's hand tightened, her features contorted in a troubled expression that spoke volumes of the turmoil within her subconscious.

Wan's gaze lingered on her for a fleeting moment, his lips pressed into a firm line as he wrestled with his own emotions. With a tender touch, he gently extricated Theresa's hand from his grasp, a silent acknowledgment of the weight of her distress.

As he rose from the bed, a heavy sigh escaped his lips, the burden of the night weighing heavily upon his shoulders. With each step, he felt the weight of his responsibilities pressing down upon him, a constant reminder of the challenges that lay ahead.

Glancing back at Theresa one last time, Wan's heart ached at the sight of her troubled slumber, a silent plea echoing in the depths of his soul. And yet, with a resolve born of necessity, he turned away, his footsteps echoing softly in the stillness of the room as he made his departure, leaving behind the comfort of her presence for the uncertainty of the world outside.

Wan left the room, his movements still sluggish and unsteady, but driven by a singular purpose—to seek out someone he needed to see.

"Wan." His train of thought was abruptly interrupted as he stepped into the hallway, confronted by the imposing figure of Fu Hua, her arms folded in a stance of stern disapproval. "You're in no condition to be moving around."

"Class monitor," Wan acknowledged with a nod, his focus unwavering as he brushed past her, his mind consumed by a sense of urgency. "Where is Kanae-san?"


Wan's figure stood in solemn reverence, his gaze fixated upon the lifeless form of Mayako Kanae lying upon the table. With a gentle touch, he lifted the cover from her face, allowing his eyes to linger upon her serene countenance, now forever stilled in the embrace of death. Fu Hua stood silently behind him, a silent sentinel of support in his moment of grief.

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