Chapter 74 - Fragile Alliances

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"I don't know,"

Wan frowned slightly at Clista's response, but he didn't push her about it. Instead, he slowly helped her stand back up as he examined the dark void they were in, his eyes searching for exits only to no avail.

"Do you think this is Noah's place?" Clista asked, to which Wan shrugged his shoulders, indicating that he didn't know.

"But it would be better... if it is," he responded.

Wan turned to Clista, his brow furrowed with concern, and gently asked, "Are you injured? Can you walk?" His voice was soft, but filled with genuine worry as he scanned her for any signs of harm.

Clista shook her head slightly, trying to reassure him. "I'm okay, just a bit shaken up," she replied, though her voice wavered slightly. She leaned on Wan for support, grateful for his steadying presence in the darkness.

Wan nodded, relieved to hear her words. "Let's try to find a way out of here then," he said, his voice determined. "We can't stay in this place forever." He offered her his arm for support and Clista gladly take it.

As Wan and Clista began walking side by side, the eerie darkness enveloping them seemed to twist and churn, inducing a nauseating sensation. Neither of them fully comprehended how they had ended up in this unsettling void, but Wan couldn't shake the nagging certainty that Noah is definitely involved.

With each step, the oppressive atmosphere pressed down on them, amplifying their sense of disorientation and foreboding.

"Everything here feels..." Clista began to comment, but Wan swiftly interjected.

"Out of place? Yeah, I've been sensing that too," Wan said, his gaze sweeping the surroundings, his expression a mix of seriousness and fatigue.

Neither of them truly grasped the nature of their surroundings, but the pervasive sense of displacement weighed heavily upon them. It was as though their very presence clashed with the eerie atmosphere enveloping them, creating an unsettling dissonance.

As they pressed forward, Clista's gaze drifted towards Wan, momentarily distracted by the sight of a hole in his St. Freya Uniform. "Wan, why is there a hole in your shirt?" she inquired, her voice tinged with concern.

Wan's eyebrows shot up in surprise as he glanced down at his shirt, his eyes widening in disbelief as he realized that the hollow void left by Kiana's strike had completely regenerated. "Huh?"

He slowly lifted his hand to touch his chest, confirming that it wasn't his imagination; the fatal blow had indeed completely regenerated. "But... how–"

'Your body has been sustaining a huge amount of Houkai Energy. Ever since you learned to barely control it, you've been using it non-stop, spamming attack after attack, which slowly caused your body to become somewhat like a walking radiation. This increases your strength and capabilities. A wound like that is easily regenerated by your Houkai Energy. Though if this keeps up...' The voice echoed in Wan's mind, its implications sinking in.

A deep sigh escaped Wan's lips as he grasped the gravity of the situation. He didn't need to hear the rest to understand what was coming next. "Then I will enter 'Isheae' without my own will."

'Exactly. And if you do, your body will continue to accumulate Houkai Energy until eventually, you will melt due to it.'

"But that didn't happen when I fought the First Herrscher."

'Only because you finished that fight quickly, and your use of Isheae at that time wasn't prolonged.'

Wan's mind raced as he contemplated the implications of his situation and the risks of becoming a walking Honkai radiation. The thought of his own body slowly deteriorating under the weight of uncontrollable Houkai Energy filled him with dread.

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