Chapter 25 - Feelings

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A few days had passed since the unfortunate incident regarding Mei happened and although she seemed fine at the moment, Wan and the others could tell that she was still not feeling well.

Her lifeless and emotionless eyes really show it off well.

In class, Wan and Kiana stared at Mei together who's currently focusing on whatever book she is reading.

Everyone around still hates Mei and refuses to talk to her but they don't do anything to her like bully her or insult her, at least not when Kiana is around.

The mere glare of the Kaslana is enough to push all of them away and they don't even dared to fight back since it would be a dumb idea especially after seeing how Kiana take down the two seniors with a single punch just a few days ago.

"Mei-senpai is still not okay.." Kiana whisper to Wan, still keeping her eyes on the Heiress.

Wan nod his head in agreement, despite what happened a few days ago on the rooftop it turns out that still wasn't enough to truly help Mei and Wan completely find it understandable.

If he was in Mei's position now, he doubted he could be any better. In fact he was actually proud of Mei for being able to last this far because if it was him or anyone else, they would have snapped a lot earlier.

"Yeah and it's completely understandable.." Wan whisper back.

To say that the two of them are worried about Mei well being would be a complete understatement. It's hard to see Mei even smiled nowdays and she rarely even speak up, only doing so if any of them speak to her first.

Wan rested his chin on his hand as he continued to watch Mei, what bothered him the most now was how her eyes had changed significantly from what he had seen before.

Sometimes Wan would notice how Mei's eyes would glow a distinct purple and to be honest he was a little scared.

He wants to help Mei more but how will he do it? If only they could do something to make her more happy together..

"What you guys doing?" Both Wan and Kiana jumped up in suprised at the sudden voice coming from their back.

Even Mei jumped a little at Wan and Kiana's sudden reaction, she turned to face them and noticed how Hana appeared behind them.

"Don't scared us like that meanie-senpai!" Kiana exclaimed out loud while holding her heart as if her heart has just fallen down.

"Yeah Fujuki-san.. at least greeted us properly.."

Hana laughed awkwardly while rubbing the back of her head. "So? What are you guys doing?"

Wan and Kiana looked at each other before they both looked at Mei who also looked at them. Seeing that, Hana also turned to look at Mei.

"W-what..?" Mei questions their sudden behaviour as a drop of sweat fall down from her forehead.

The three of them sighed before looking at eachother with a worried expression.


Slowly opening the door, Mei stepped into her house with a tired expression on her face. It has been an exhausting experience for her and it doesn't seem to be getting any better each day.

She could still hear people whispering behind her and it was all just hateful comments that she wished she could erase from her mind.

But thanks to what happened a few days ago, none of the students had gone and tried to bully her or in this case physically attack her. She has Wan and the others to thanked for that.

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