Chapter 97 - A Mission

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What has happened will always remain in the past, a distant memory. What will happen in the future is an enigma, a mystery yet to unfold.

But the present, the here and now, is shaped by our actions. Every single moment in the present is the result of one's choices.

You might believe your actions are right, but if they lead to harm, then they are not truly right. Accidents happen, but when they happen too often, one must accept the hand of fate.



You were never born to protect, never meant to be a savior.

No matter what you try to do, it will inevitably lead to harm in ways imaginable and unimaginable.

And when the day comes, and you realize there's no escaping your fate, when the people you love turn their backs on you...

You will have no one else—


'It's strange, I keep having this dream.'


'Even that's not enough, y'know?'

'Is it you?'

The unknown words, filled with warmth and mystery, echoed in the air. It was a distant voice, familiar yet elusive.

His eyes wandered, watching through the crimson mirror. The absence of life, the void of the world they once fought so vigilantly for.

Why is it so familiar? Rather, who?

The sound of a train echoed suddenly, filling the air. He found himself in a familiar scene, reaching out...

Unconcerned with the destruction about to come or the consequences of his actions.





"Wan," a voice filled the room. Hoshino Wan slowly opened his eyes to see familiar red eyes staring down at him.

"H-Hana...?" Wan muttered in confusion.

"Well, look at that. Rise and shine, buddy."

Wan's vision was still blurry, but the sight of those red eyes was enough for him to recognize the person before him.

He groaned slightly as he slowly sat up in the bed with Hana's help, her hand steadying him by his chest.

"What happened... where am I?" Wan asked, his voice strained.

"Hyperion. You suffered quite an injury," Hana replied, gesturing towards his body, which was covered in bandages, especially around his hands. "You're lucky we found you. The doctor said you've been fighting non-stop without rest, which is why you were so weak when we found you."

"So, I passed out..." Wan muttered. "Wait... Hyperion?"

He looked around and then outside the window. They were soaring above the sky. He hadn't even realized he was on The Hyperion.

"You really don't remember anything, huh?" Hana laughed, shaking her head.

Wan held his head in pain, struggling to piece together his memories. Now that Hana had mentioned it, he couldn't help but try to recall what had happened.

It was then...

'I'll be taking her. You'll meet her soon enough.'


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