Chapter 27 - The Truth

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"Bow down, insect."

The Herrscher Of Thunder looked at Mizunoki menacingly, her power have grown by an incredible amount. At this point, Mizunoki is no match for the Goddess Of Thunder.

'She used Mai-san as a way to gain more hatred inside Mei..' Mizunoki found herself slowly backing away from the existence of the Herrscher Of Thunder, even the broken Katana she was holding is shaking as his hand is currently trembling in fear. 'the power difference is.. too great now.'

Even the wound Mizunoki gave the Herrscher to her chest has already been healed miraculously.

"What's wrong? Don't tell me you're backing away now.." The Herrscher looked at Mizunoki, rather disappointed that she is backing away. "You were a challenge for me earlier.. and I would love to see how far you can go against the god I am now."

In a blink of an eye, Herrscher Of Thunder appears right in front of Mizunoki and punch her right on the stomach and she went flying from that punch. "Who said you could leave?!"

In the midair, Herrscher Of Thunder appears right behind the flying Mizunoki and kick her from the back sending her down to the ground in high speed.

She laughed menacingly as she watched her opponent fall down to the ground. This is it, this is the power she really is built for!

"How a fool of you Mei.." she grinned and clench her own fist, now completely looking down on every everything before her. "What a stunning view.."

The sight of all the buildings collapsing, the streets have turned red, and the whole place is engulfed in an eternally beautiful thunderstorm.

And the hordes of Honkai Beasts and zombies roaming around make it even more beautiful than it already is.

"This is the world you and I wish for Mei.."

There was no reaction in Herrscher's mind, not even the sound of Mei crying out. The Herrscher smiled faintly as she realized her plan worked, it was hard to act but it all worked out in the end and that's what matters most.

It was a fool of that maid to even believe that she was the same Mei, there was a reason why Mizunoki was pointing her Katana at her but of course the maid had to ruin Mizunoki's chance to kill her.

But that's what's so disgusting about humans in Herrscher's mind is that they're always tied to each other and when the person they love the most dies, they riot and turn against the rest of the world.

The behavior is frankly disgusting.

Their selfish behaviour as if everything revolve around them and them only.

She didn't expect anything more from these low-life monkeys who thought they were better than the rest.

"You.." The Herrscher looked down to see Mizunoki standing up, pretty much injured all over her body.

"Ho? You are pretty strong after all.. you can stand up."

Herrscher Of Thunder's eyes turned dark and he looked at Mizunoki with a somewhat annoyed look. "However.."

She raised her hand again and the entire sky turned dark red with an ever-powerful thunderstorm reign supreme. "Being strong alone won't be enough to defeat me.."

Mizunoki's eyes widened as she realized what The Herrscher was about to do and just as she expected, lightning that came from the sky shot down towards her.

Thankfully she was able to use her stigma and appear just near another object making her able to escape. "That is fucking ridiculous.."

She looked back at the impact of the attack and just like the previous attack, it completely penetrated and destroyed everything in its path.

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