Chapter 38 - Confrontation

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The ride to get there was a calm and a quiet one as rain started to fall from the sky. Staring out of the window, Wan pondered in his own thoughts with the only sound that came into his ears being the sound of rain hitting the solid ground from outside. From the very beginning of the ride he remained like this, showing no signs of wanting to talk to anybody.

At first glance some may think he is arrogant or generally unkind but in fact he is actually scared. Returning to his hometown was not something he expected to do so soon but that was not what he was afraid of, he was afraid of who he would meet there and that person was his own grandfather.

Just so nobody don't get the wrong idea, it's not that he doesn't love his grandfather or that there's issue going on between them, the reason why he is so afraid to meet his grandfather is because he doesn't want to know how will his grandfather possibly react when he finds out the path he, his grandson has chose. And don't tell even get him started about how he hasn't called his grandfather in almost 3 weeks.

If he suddenly appears right in front of him again then his grandfather has every right to be angry with him.

From not contacting his grandfather for 3 whole weeks, deciding to enrolled St Freya, and vowing to protect everyone all behind his grandfather back. Even Hoshino Wan himself realized how disobedience of a grandson he has become, he didn't need anyone to tell him as he had realized it himself not long ago.

He can only imagine his grandfather's reaction when he found out that the only member of his family that being his grandson had decided to join a school where he would be trained to be a warrior who would fight against the literal threat of Humanity, there was just no way his grandfather would accept it.

Wan sighed and rested his head on the chair, it had been several hours since he and Hana rode this transport to go to his hometown. Thankfully the transport was large as they are delivering supplies, and because of to the large room that is available, Wan was able to spend some time alone to think more about what he will experience later on.

A step later approached him as the boy's ears perked up, he slowly moved his eyes back, not even bother to try and turn his head around. "Ah.. Hana it's you.."

Fujuki Hana stood there staring at her teammate Wan who has been acting quite strange ever since they first received the details about the mission. She had tried several times to try and talk to him but her attempts were completely useless, she had decided to give him a few hours until now she finally checked up on him again just to see that there doesn't seems to be any changes on his behaviour whatsoever. "Come on you still sulking?"

"It's not sulking.."

"Sure looks like it to me," Hana walked over to him and sat next to him. "So you want to tell me about it now or not? Because frankly I think you should."

"I don't know," Wan stopped to think for a moment, should he tell Hana about the problem he was facing? If he tells her what good will it do? "I just didn't expect to come back to where I belong so soon."

"I don't know what you mean by that but you could have definitely phrase it a lot better than that."

A small smile crossed the boy's face, he rather found the way Hana said it rather funny, in a good way that is. "Maybe.." he adjusted his sitting position before returning to silence and stare out the window.

In the end, he still found himself drowning in thoughts of regret and fear. Regret for not being able to tell his grandfather what he should have known and fear of what would happen once he told him about it. Should he tell his grandfather about everything that happened? Starting from the night he saved Mizunoki from Rita or should he keep it a secret?

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