Chapter 92 - Understanding The Past

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The air grew heavy with an almost palpable tension, as if the power between the two combatants threatened to consume them entirely. Their energies collided, each force vying for dominance.

Elena wielded her ice with a fierce determination, while Wan unleashed his Houkai Energy in a storm of raw power. Their essences clashed, the sheer intensity of their abilities creating an electrifying aura that enveloped them both.

Their eyes locked in a fierce staredown, neither willing to yield until their domain overpowered the other's. The battlefield trembled under the weight of their resolve, as the clash of their powers became a war of wills.

"Consume..." Wan muttered, his gaze unwavering as it bore into Elena's.

"Release..." Elena responded, her voice steady despite the intensity of the moment. This was a fight, a battle for her very life.

She had a duty, a mission that she was bound to fulfill. She couldn't afford to lose, not now, not ever.

Never again.

As their energies reached their peak, the ice that enveloped the entire forest shattered, causing Elena's eyes to widen in shock.

"Wha—" she gasped, her gaze locking onto Wan as his Houkai Energy began to envelop the forest.

But then,

His Houkai Energy dissipated, scattering into the air as both Wan and Elena landed gracefully back on the ground.

Elena touched down smoothly, adjusting her hat as she looked up at Wan in confusion. 'What just happened? I was sure I lost that clash...'

Wan met her gaze, lifting his hand as Celestial Harmony, his trusted blade, flew back to him.

'So why...' Elena narrowed her eyes in suspicion. 'Why did he cancel his power?'

Elena slowly stood back up, smoothing her clothes and composing herself before locking eyes with Wan.

"Hoshino," she began, her voice steady. "What was that just now? Why did you take such action?"

"Take what action?" Wan tilted his head, a soft smile playing on his lips.

"Do not play dumb with me, you insolent man," she said, narrowing her eyes. "You could have used that power of yours to end the fight, yet you chose not to. Why?"

Wan's smile faded, his eyes fixed on Elena.

What she said was true—he had won the clash and could have ended the fight then and there.

Yet he didn't.

"If this is your way of mocking me, I don't appreciate it," Elena said, her voice steady. "It is very—"

"You've never lost a fight before, have you, Elena-san?" Wan interjected, his voice calm but probing.

Elena was caught off guard by the sudden question, her confusion evident as she stared at him, trying to decipher his intentions.

"I heard it from Makoto-san," Wan continued, a tiny smile playing on his lips. "Naturally, when I heard that, I was nervous at the thought of facing you. The leader of the Crimson Crushers, undefeated in battle—that's terrifying. And I was right to be apprehensive..."

Elena's eyes widened.

"You are extremely strong, Elena-san," Wan said, his tone sincere.

Wan began walking forward, his Celestial Harmony at his side, while Elena held her ground.

The wind breezed through Elena's hair, and her expression softened slightly as she met Wan's gaze and his soft smile.

"The two of us fight against something similar. That's why we attended St. Freya, am I right?" Wan spoke again. "So naturally, I have a respect for you, Elena-san."

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