Chapter 18 - Wrong Path

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The world around become nothing but colourless and lifeless, everything that once fills with life is now ruined.

Nothing could be seen in that ruined world expect for one Man. A Man who wore all black with a hood that cover his face. Except for his masculine features, there is nothing that can be grasps on about that Man.

His presence's alone seemingly to be what caused the once beautiful world to become what it is now, a world full of everlasting tragedies. Tragedies that will occur in every single timeline and universes no matter how much a person try to avoid it.

The Man in picture slowly walked, every step he take leave a mark on the ground. Who is he and what he's aiming for is uncertain, but one thing is clear.

He won't stop untill he's satisfied with the outcome.

The outcome that he has spent his entire lifetime trying to search for only to be greeted with constant failures. Even then, he won't stop..

It doesn't matter how many time he failed he will continue to try and try until the outcome he search for is granted to him. Even if it means constantly sacraficing others, he will not stop.

The Man sighed softly before muttering out a word,

"I'm restarting everything."


Wan eyes jolted open as he instantly sit up he hold his chest while breathing quite heavily. Wan calmed himself down as he stare at his surroundings.

It took him quite some time until he realized that he's in a hospital. He controlled his breathing and calm himself down even more, somehow he feels like shit after waking up.

"Right.. I did fall unconscious after all.." Wan whisper to himself.

He hold the urge to groan in pain. Now that he's not in a distressed situation, it seems like all the injuries he suffers is finally making its move on him.

It's like they say, better late than never.

"Mhm.." a sudden voice take Wan by suprised as he jumped slightly, he turn his head to his side to see Kiana sleeping on the side of his bed.

From the look of it it seems like Kiana has been waiting for him to wake up all this time. "Kiana.."

The sound of the Kaslana sleeping peacefully beside him make Wan smiles a little, he's glad that he make the choice to save her. Forget about the time he almost died and everything, Kiana is safe and that's all that matters.

His thoughts however were rudely interrupted when the door to his room were open. Wan eyes immediately goes to the door and he saw Mizunoki coming in with a basket full of fruits.

Seeing the young boy staring at him, Mizunoki expression become soft. "You're awake, I'm glad.."

Mizunoki walk beside Wan's and sit down beside him on the bed. She put down the basket full of fruits just near the table beside Wan's bed. "How you feeling?"

"I'm fine.." Wan replied calmly. "How long was I out for?

"Not that long," Mizunoki sighs before looking back at the young boy with a soft expression. "one full day after you fall unconscious."

Wan looked a bit suprised at first, he for sure thought he was out far longer than that since he's feeling like an absolute crap right now but no, only a day. "That doesn't sounds too bad.."

"Yeah, I was a bit suprised when I saw you awake just now." Mizunoki said. "Because everyone including the doctors thought you would be out for five days."

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