Chapter 77 - Final Clash

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The atmosphere crackles as the surroundings crumble, revealing the boy whose body has reached its limit, releasing a boundless torrent of energy into the air. His form embodies destruction, radiating power in its purest manifestation.

Hoshino Wan has entered Isheae.

His body pulsates with vivid purple veins, his heartbeat quickening, while his eyes transition to a deep shade of purple with a hint of orange at the edges.

The boy surveyed his surroundings before shifting his gaze to his own trembling form.

'It hurts,' he reflected with surprising calmness, 'as if my entire being is liquefying.'

Just as in the fateful fight on that night, Hoshino Wan's body has now reached its threshold for managing the overwhelming energy he can produce. Consequently, he teeters on the brink, his entire being gradually succumbing to the relentless power coursing within him, leading to the emergence of Isheae.

In this transformed state, his strength surges, yet so does his agony. Every passing moment is a torment, but buoyed by the overflow of energy, every injury is swiftly healed. However, it's only a matter of time until...

Until he collapses entirely.

Raising his head with deliberate calmness, Hoshino Wan's gaze locked onto Hugo's.

Hugo, a man driven by relentless pursuit of his goals, seemed to have forsaken all reason, consumed by desperation. His towering, godlike stature cast a shadow over Wan's diminutive form.

Wan narrowed his eyes, fists clenched, as his surging, boundless energy clashed against Hugo's formidable power.

'You're an amazing young man Wan, I want you to promise me that you'll always be kind to everyone.. no matter who it is.'

his grandfather's words echoed in his mind, a solemn promise etched into his soul.

But now, amidst the turmoil of his transformed existence, he whispered to himself, "I'm sorry, Gramps... Not this time. I can't follow that promise." His gaze fixed unwaveringly on Hugo.

That man had wrought too many changes within him, too numerous to tally. One bitter truth among them:

Not everyone can be rescued...

And not everyone deserves salvation...

Wan took a deliberate step forward, descending from his elevated position to the ground below, wisps of smoke trailing from his body.

His gaze swept upward once more, meeting the incredulous stares of Mizunoki, Clista, and Remnant-7X.

"It's the same power that Wan unleashed that night," Mizunoki mused to herself.

"Wan... what has happened of him?" Clista whispered, her voice barely audible.

Remnant-7X observed its son, enveloped in the formidable energy he now wielded, and for a fleeting moment...

It appeared proud.

Their focus snapped back to Hugo, his power emanating beyond the confines of their surroundings as he resumed his menacing laughter.

"Brilliant, absolutely brilliant! With this power, not even the embodiment of destruction could halt me!" His gaze swept over them, lingering particularly on Wan in his Isheae form. "I'll seize control, save everyone, and eradicate you, HOSHINO!"

A surge of energy radiated from Hugo's form, accompanied by a resounding echo imbued with immense power.

In response, everyone instinctively raised their hands, while Remnant-7X swiftly moved towards Clista. The mech enveloped her protectively before departing with her to a safer location.

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