Chapter 35 - Reunion

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It flows endlessly, that's how one would describe Hoshino Wan's current state. After breaking the bracelet given to him by Murata Himeko, essentially the thing that restricted his Boundless amount of Houkai Energy, Hoshino Wan had let go of almost everything he has as he stared down at The Demonic Being that made him do this.

Kiana Kaslana, Raiden Mei, and Fujuki Hana.

All three of them were now on the brink of death thanks to the Beast in front of him and after seeing first hand how brutal it could be after it penetrate Hana's chest, Wan has had enough.

He gripped his sword tightly, feeling the overwhelming strength flowing through his entire body, even the presence of his Energy alone made the Devil Creature in front of him look like a human. He took a deep breath, walking towards his enemy without a trace of mercy in his eyes.

The Demon Beast retreated as Wan got closer, somehow it looks like it understand that,

It stands no chance against him.

Wan appeared instantly right in front of it and he swung his sword right at it's body. Although instead of slicing, he used it to slam his sword into The Demonic Beast's body. As his sword connected, the energy wave continued to flow making The Beast howl in pain before it was sent several meters away from the impact of the blow.

The beast immediately regained control and was ready to counterattack but when it looked ahead there was no sign of Hoshino Wan in front. Next to the Beast eyes, it saw Wan with both his fists covered in black reddish energy and before The Demonic Beast could react Wan threw various punches and combos right at it's face.

Despite their size difference Wan still continued throwing, not caring if The Beast was as big as a building or not he continued to throw different variations of punches with his fists.

Each of his punches made blood spill out of The Demonic Beast, to say that each of his punches was powerful would be an understatement as each punch was protected with an endless amount of power boosted by his boundless amount of Houkai Energy.

The Beast howled in pain the longer it was punched, it then emitted a shock wave of energy from its body, forcefully making Wan retreat temporarily.

With Wan in it's range, The Beast roared in anger before it summoned several nasty hands as it headed towards Wan. Even with danger coming towards his way, Wan's expression did not change at all as he slowly walk to The Beast.

And what happened next shocked The Demonic Creature. When it's hand was about to reach Wan, he just walked all over it as if it was nothing. Somehow, the attacked that it had directed towards Wan wasn't able to reach him.

And it's because of his energy covering him like a barrier, just like that night with The Herrscher Of Void.

Seeing this, The Beast retreat even more.

"Why?" Wan slowly opened his mouth to ask with a lifeless tone, he gripped his sword tightly and his sword is once again covered with his black reddish energy. "Why you're retreating..?"

Wan breathed slowly, he raised his sword into the air before slicing it down as wave of energy came slicing towards The Beast, cutting it's right hand completely clean. The Beast once again roared in pain. Not allowing a second for The Demonic Being to moan in pain, Wan had already appeared right in front of it as he began to strike and slice The Beast relentlessly without stopping even for a single seconds.

His overwhelming strength boosted by his boundless energy combined with his desire to kill the Beast right in front of him, Wan had completely lost his mind along with his morality.

As Wan continued to slaughter and devour The Demonic Beast, it howled in even more pain with no chance of it getting out of Wan's grip. The only thing on Wan's mind right now was how no kindness could be spared for a demonic creature like the one he's fighting right now.

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