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I'll go for lunch with you but I'm picking the café

Lizzie Olsen

After getting home from coffee with Natasha, I made a plan. I sat in front of my empty TV stand and pulled out my laptop, detailing the exact plan for the next six day's that Lizzie was in New York.

Day 1 (that's today) we would go for lunch. I wasn't going to ask her straight up why she cheated on me with my friend ... but I knew that's where I wanted the conversation to go. I would start by being overly friendly. Asking about Robbie and their lovely marriage even though it makes me nauseous to think about his hands on her and what they get up to in their own time. I would get her talking about love ... shouldn't be hard, the girl seems to fall in love with everything in this god forsaken world. When she asks about me, because she will, she always found me more interesting than herself. I would tell her bout Vanessa and watch her blood boil while she too kept a smile on her lips. Finally, I would end it with the fact we broke up before I moved out here. If she asked, I would tell her about Natasha and the coffee we went for this morning. Then when we had finished eating, I will tell her I have somewhere to be, so she thinks that my mind is everywhere but here with her. It will get under her skin; I know it will. That's the point. When I know she'll want to see me again, I'll tell her about a fireworks display happening in Central Park tomorrow. I can almost guarantee that she'll ask to come with me.

Rule number 1 throughout this whole thing? Do NOT in any case, fall in love with her again.

I closed my laptop and looked around my apartment in boxes. Deciding that I had about two hours until Lizzie wanted to do lunch, I got up and unboxed my Alexa first, plugging it in and letting it switch on as I rolled up the sleeves of my turtleneck and grabbed my box opener, slicing through the sellotaped sealed boxes easily.

"Alexa, play songs by Daisy Jones and the Six," I spoke aloud, hoping the one I was really feeling right now came on.

You regret me, and I regret you
Except I don't care what you're feeling, and I don't need, or I do
I'm a slippage in the system with a natural gift, how I move
So go ahead and regret me but I'm beating you to it, dude.

"YOU REGRET ME AND I REGRET YOU," I shouted at the top of my lungs, letting my voice crack with emotion.

You couldn't handle your liquor,
and you can't seem to handle the truth.
I'm a slippage in the system and I'm perfectly ready to strike
So go ahead and regret me but I'm not easing up on this mic.

Seven fallen angels in atonement
Meet me in the parlour with your keys
Meet me in the corner where you keep me
I'll do anything you please
I'll do anything you please.

Looking at my lounge unboxed on the floor, I started putting up photo frames and laying down blankets, pillows and the rug until it started to look like a home. As the next verse started, I pulled out a framed picture of Vanessa and I on our holiday last year to Barcelona. Vanessa was an amazing girlfriend. I honestly couldn't fault her. She healed me from things I didn't realise were broken. She built up my trust and she loved me as much as I loved her. She was a few years younger than me, but you wouldn't know it. Looking more mature than she was, her dark waves hung around her face and circled her bright blue eyes. Her skin had an olive tone to it as her mum was from Spain and her dad was Vietnamese. She was fucking gorgeous ... she is fucking gorgeous, and she was massively out of my league, but she didn't care. She treated me amazingly and everyone thought I had found my soulmate. Everyone apart from Mum who was still talking about Elizabeth fucking Olsen. How pretty she was. How she did this, and she did that. It got to the point that I had to tell her to shut up about my ex in front of my new girlfriend. So, she did. I knew what she thought but she no longer voiced it.

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