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Why am I so nervous that Scarlet is going to be at my apartment within the hour? I've been best friends with her for the past decade but the thought that I would be seeing her again, after months of not talking, it made my hands shake and my breath shorten. I think it's the anticipation of the conversation that needs to be had about Lizzie. The conversation about drinking, my liver, Jessie, Harry and everything else adult that I've managed to avoid thinking about whilst living in New York. Everything that I knew Scarlet would bring up.

Dressed in a pair of leggings and Lizzie's hoodie, my hair was pulled up into a ponytail, the shorter pieces framing my face as I walked around my apartment, the sound of the kettle filling the silence of my own space. My thoughts were loud enough on their own. Much sooner than I thought, there was a knock on my front door and the sound of Jessie's voice echoing through the wood. A smile grew on my face and ran towards the entrance, pulling it open and smiling at my best friend and my mini best friend. Jessie smiled and ran towards me, tackling me into a hug. With a giggle, I picked him up and hugged him back tightly.

"God, you're getting so big," I laughed.

"Way too fast," Scarlet giggled.

With a groan, I dropped him back down to the floor and scuffed his hair up.

"Why don't you take your mums stuff through to the spare room?" I smiled.

He nodded and grabbed the suitcases, dragging them around the apartment.

"Where are the rooms?" he asked me.

"Second door on your left," I giggled.

"Second door on the left," he repeated to himself.

I turned back to Scarlet who was smiling at me softly, her eyes welling up.

"I missed you," she mumbled.

"I missed you too," I agreed, taking her into a hug next, squeezing her tightly.

She laughed out her nose and hugged me back just as tight, her head buried in the crook of my neck. Dressed in a long black midi dress, her hair dark and curled perfectly to frame her face and make her light blue eyes stand out. When she pulled away, she let out a shaky breath and nodded.

"You look good," she exhaled.

"Look at you," I giggled, "tea? Coffee?"

"Tea please, finding a good cup of tea in this country is impossible," she laughed.

"I know," I agreed with an amused smile, "how was the flight?"

"Jess refused to sleep so it was long, it was very very painfully long," she smirked, "I thought about getting a tin of wine just to get me through the last four hours."

"He's an angel, and you know it," I replied, making the teas.

"Yeah, with you and Harry's he is!" she laughed, "he doesn't care about the rules when his dad is away."

"You just need to assert your dominance," I decided.

"Says the fun aunt," Scarlet quipped.

"It's my favourite roll," I smiled proudly, handing her a mug, "talking of Auntie Duties," I added, looking up as Jessie ran back into the room.

His hair was much longer than when I last saw him, it was pushed into soft curtains as well like he was in a child indie band with his classmates, and he was the lead singer.

"Do you have any snacks?" he asked.

I hummed a yes and nodded at my snack cupboard, "do you still like those horrible marshmallow things?"

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