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As soon as Lizzie's family left, she literally ran toward me, jumped up and wrapped her legs around my waist.

"You're so needy," I smirked as she leaned her forehead against mine, our lips ghosting.

"I've been thinking about this all day," she replied slowly.

"And what would that be?" I mumbled, pecking her lips a few times as she groaned in annoyance.

"Stop being so cocky," she laughed before I pushed her up against the closest wall causing her breath to hitch.

"Not so chatty anymore, are we?" I smirked.

She shook her head, crashing our lips together and unwillingly causing me to moan into her mouth. With a smile, she wrapped her arms around my neck and scratched at the back of my head.

"Take me upstairs," she mumbled against my lips.

"I cannot carry you up three floors," I giggled, dropping her to the floor.

She groaned and grabbed my hand, pulling me up toward our bedroom so fast that she tripped over nothing and fell down. I giggled and straddled her lap, my hands on her cheeks.

"Bedroom," she whispered.

"I don't know if I can wait," I smirked, running my hands down her body slowly as her breath picked up.

"It's one more flight of stairs," she exhaled.

"I know," I smiled slowly and pressed my thumb against her clit over her clothed core.

She hummed and bucked her hips toward into me.

"I was going to dress up for you," she mumbled as I went to kiss her again.

"You still can," I smirked.

"Y/N/N," she whined, squirming as I rolled her clit.

"My beautiful girl," I whispered, kissing her lips slowly before slipping my hand under her dress.

"I need you inside me," she groaned against my lips.

I laughed out my nose and ran my fingers through her wet folds, feeling them coat in her arousal as she leaned her head back and moved my lips to her neck. Not wasting any more time, I pushed two of my digits inside her and sucked on the most sensitive area of her neck under her right ear.

"Fuck," she exhaled, biting on her bottom lip as I quickened my pace and pumped inside her harder.

Her legs parted slightly further to give me more room to work with, her back arching slightly so the wooden stairs didn't dig into her back. I hummed and kissed down her body so I could get to where I wanted to be faster. Bunching up her dress around her waist, I pulled my fingers out of her, much to her dismay, to rid of her soaked underwear. She let out a shaky breath and nodded quickly, placing her hands on my shoulders and pushing me further down. I laughed out my nose and kept my eyes on her as I ran my tongue up her slit before pushing my wet muscle inside her. Her breath picked up pretty quickly from there on out as she began softly whining, a string of moans falling from her.

"Baby d-don't slow down," she groaned, bucking her hips up into me with her head thrown back.

Humming against her core, the vibrations causing her legs to shake, I moved my hand between her legs and flicked over her sensitive nub repeatedly with the tip of my finger.

"Fuck- fuck," she cursed, her legs shaking even harder.

As my nose nudged the top of her opening, her string snapped, and she released a short gush of arousal straight into my mouth. With a hum, I ran my tongue over my lips and sat up to kiss her again. She cupped my cheeks and let our tongues mould together.

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