Two winters ago

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Two winters ago

"Do you think we'll ever move out of this apartment?" Vanessa asked me as she lay in front of me on our bed, nothing covering our bodies apart from the bed sheets

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"Do you think we'll ever move out of this apartment?" Vanessa asked me as she lay in front of me on our bed, nothing covering our bodies apart from the bed sheets.

I laughed out my nose and shrugged my shoulders, "probably at some point, when we can afford it."

She nodded slowly and handed me our smoking tin.

"What's wrong with our flat?" I asked, taking the tin and pulling out some paper and our small green plants.

"I love it, don't get me wrong, it's just not going to be big enough for much longer," she replied, resting her chin on my chest and watching me roll.

"I think it's the perfect size for us," I argued, licking the paper and sealing up the blunt.

"What about when we have kids?" she asked.

"Well, you're not pregnant so we don't need to worry about that yet," I reasoned.

She hummed and nodded "I suppose ... how many do you want?"

I furrowed my brows.

"Kids, how many?" she asked.

"I don't know ... a few?" I replied, more of a question than an answer.

"Same," she smiled shyly, "but you're right, we don't need to worry about it yet."

"Exactly," I mumbled with the blunt between my lips as I lit it up, "you know I love you, right?"

"Of course," she smiled, taking the spliff and breathing in the fumes, "I love you too Y/N/N."

I smiled and kissed her lips softly as she breathed the smoke into my mouth. With a smirk against her lips, I exhaled out of my nose and cupped her cheek. When the ash dropped onto our white bed sheets, Ness pulled away and giggled, swiping the black ash onto the floor.

"Look what you did," she laughed.

"How is that my fault?!" I giggled, taking the spliff from her and putting it to my lips.

"Dad keeps asking about when I'm having kids," she told me.

"You're only 25," I reminded her.

"That's what I said but he keeps talking about my biological clock; I think I'm fine, but it's been on my mind," she expressed.

"I think you're fine," I agreed, "plus, we've got four ovaries between us."

"Good point," she smiled, taking the blunt and breathing in.

"Can we stop talking about kids now?" I asked.

She furrowed her brows but nodded, going very quiet very quickly and making me feel so fucking guilty. I want kids, I really do but I just don't feel ready yet and I think Vanessa is and that has caused a lot of awkwardness recently when having these conversations.

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