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"Baby," Lizzie groaned, pulling at my jumper and trying to get it over my head.

I smirked and helped her, throwing it across the room and placing my hands back on her face, deepening our kiss again. She hummed and started to rock her hips against mine, moving slowly to increase her pleasure. I wrapped my arms around her waist and lifted one of my thighs around until my hipbone rested between her legs. She released a soft moan against my lips and met my movements, clawing at the back of my head as she did.

"I love you," I whispered between us.

"I love you too," she hummed, leaning our foreheads together and unclipping my bra.

I flipped us over in a swift movement and removed the rest of my clothes, pushing my knee against her core and watching her face scrunched up and a smile form on her lips.

"God, I've missed you so fucking much," I exhaled, moving my lips to her neck and gently biting down on the skin.

She let out a shaky whine and tilted her head to the side to give me more room. With a smile, I kept my lips on her neck and pulled my knee away, much to Lizzie's dislike.

"Y/N/N," she muttered.

I hummed a yes and slowly ran my hand between her legs. When she realised where my hand was going, she parted her legs further apart and sighed when my fingers ran through her folds, collecting the arousal that was already pooling. With a smirk, I carefully rolled her clit around with the tip of my finger and Lizzie leaned her head back, moaning gently and my lips traced further down her body until I was hovering over her hips where she was literally squirming at my touch.

"Please," she whispered, one of her hands on the back of my head and the other holding tightly onto the duvet beneath us.

Moving my hand further down her heat, I slipped one finger inside her and felt her walls convulse around me softly as I attached my lips to her clit and flicked the tip of my tongue over it harshly.

"Babe," she exhaled, scratching the back of my head, "fuck me like you mean it."

I smirked at her sudden burst of confidence and bit down on her sensitive bud, making her back arch off the mattress and a loud moan escape from the back of her throat. Smiling, I slipped another finger inside her and she hummed, nodding quickly.

"More," she whined.

"More?" I laughed.

She hummed and nodded faster; her eyes darkened deeply as she looked down at me. Nodding slowly, I pushed a third digit inside her and she smiled down at me, wrapping her legs around my body and practically squeezing my head between her thighs, I dove back into her pussy, licking and sucking her clit as my fingers curled inside her, making her legs shake and her breath increase quickly. She was muttering a soft string of pleases as I picked up my pace and moved my lips back to hers, letting her taste her arousal on my tongue as I pushed my thumb down on her clit. I exhaled into her mouth as Lizzie pushed her tongue inside mine, our lips not moving but our tongues having a sloppy war against the other. Curling all of my digits towards me, I felt my touch push against the soft spongy wall inside her, her mouth hanging open against mine as she breathed heavily.

"So close," she mumbled.

I hummed and leaned our foreheads against each other as her legs violently shook and a shot of arousal spilled out of her, onto my hand. Lizzie breathed heavily again and pulled my hand out of her with a whine and pushed them straight inside myself.

"Fuck," I moaned gently.

She nodded and controlled my hand as I slowly fucked myself on top of her. Her hand stayed firmly on mine as I flipped us over again, laying myself down on the mattress with Lizzie falling next to me, watching my fingers disappearing between my legs. I leaned my head back into the pillows behind me as Liz moved her lips to my neck, kissing it harshly like I was previously kissing hers, no doubt leaving behind marks from her teeth as she went. As I felt my own high approaching, she pulled my hand out of myself and pushed her own digits inside me, pumping them quickly as my breath stayed rapid and my legs, too, began to shake.

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