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Lizzie and I arrived at my apartment roughly 45 hours after we left LA. I too was starting to think we should've just flown because by the time I unlocked my front door, I was quite ready to just collapse and sleep forever. Lizzie followed me in, yawning periodically as she had been for the past few hours. As soon as I locked the front door behind us, Lizzie slipped off her shoes and stumbled into the kitchen.

"Food?" she yawned.

"Lizzie, I am so tired," I laughed, "I could actually fall asleep standing right here."

"Coffee?" she suggested.

"Sleep?" I asked.

"It's 11am," she giggled, "coffee?"

I audibly groaned and nodded, "yeah, fine, go on."

"I desperately need a shower," she complained, switching on the coffee machine.

"The bathrooms-"

"I know where it is," Lizzie giggled, "you hid me in there, remember?"

"Oh fuck, yeah, I did," I recalled, "Natasha wanted to have sex that morning and then you cleverly knocked over the whole of my bathroom."

"Shame," Lizzie smirked.

I hummed and nodded slowly, "I'd say so."

"Oh well," she decided smugly, grabbing some mugs from the cupboard, "the lock people are going over to the house tomorrow morning so I'll be out of your hair soon."

"I don't mind you being in my hair," I smiled slightly, "being with you is really effortless."

She scrunched her nose slightly and nodded, "yeah I agree. I feel like I could live in silence with you and it wouldn't be awkward."

I hummed in agreement and bit my cheek to stop myself from blushing.

"Here you go," she sang, handing me my mug before sipping at her own, "do you mind if I jump in the shower first?"

"No, go ahead," I replied, "help yourself to the shampoo and stuff."

"Thank you," she smiled, placing a soft kiss on the top of my head before shuffling through my apartment and into my bedroom.

As I sat there on my own, I ran my finger over my bottom lip, memories of the past few days flashing across my mind. Lizzie's lips on mine, her hand on my leg, mine hurried in her hair. Feeling my lips curl into a smile, I took a few sips off my coffee before putting it down and walking off in the same direction as Elizabeth.

As I walked into the bathroom, where the shower water was echoing off the walls, Lizzie's soft hums were bouncing around the room. I let out a shaky breath and pulled my t-shirt over my head, slowly opening the shower door and smiling at the love of my life, stood with her back to me, her eyes shut and the water running over her hair. She was softly humming the tune of You're in Love by Taylor Swift, a smile on her lips. I slowly closed the door behind me and watched as she didn't even notice there was a new person in the shower with her until I wrapped my arms around her waist from behind. Her breath hitched in her throat, and she leaned back into me.

"Hey," I whispered, resting my chin on her shoulder.

"Hi," she whispered back, placing her hands over mine and linking our fingers together.

I placed a delicate kiss on her shoulder and then her neck as her breath picked up slightly. With her eyes still shut, I smiled against her skin and squeezed her hands gently.

"Turn around ... I want to see you," I mumbled into her neck.

She dropped my hands and slowly turned around. Biting her bottom lip, she brought her hands to her hair and pushed it out of her face before looking down at me. She was just as beautiful as the first day I saw her. Unfortunately, because of Robbie, she was much skinnier than she should be, but she still looked gorgeous. Her fringe was pushed out of her face so I could see the green in her eyes perfectly. The curves of her hips accentuated her dipped waist and perfectly shaped breasts. Just above her elbow on her right arm lived a thin tattoo of a small bunch of flowers over six or seven faint white lines which had been self-inflicted all those years ago. Wrapping her arms around my neck, she scrunched her nose slightly and looked down at my body too, humming a smile when she caught the silver bars through my nipples.

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