Nothing worse

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"Happy three months being pregnant darling," I smiled, a small yawn leaving my throat as I kissed Lizzie's tired face.

She laughed out her nose and leaned into me, "happy three months," she yawned.

"Good morning," I giggled, "how did you sleep?"

"I slept well until you started chatting about something in your sleep," she laughed.

"Chatting?" I checked, "what the fuck was I talking about?"

"I don't know," she laughed "you were just mumbling."

"I think you're lying," I decided.

"I hate you," she smirked as I pulled her into a hug from behind as we laid in a spooning position.

"I know," I smiled, kissing her neck as I cuddled into her.

She hummed and leaned back into me, the spine of her back hitting between my thighs and making me sigh heavily against her skin.

"Don't make that noise," she laughed out her nose, "because I'll have to have sex with you and I need to be on set in..." she stopped to look at the clock, "...ninety minutes."

I groaned and kissed her neck softly, "I don't want to delay your work of course," I added, kissing her neck again.

"Of course," she repeated, pressing further against me.

"Mhm," I smirked, kissing under her ear and making her whine slightly.

"Ninety minutes Y/N," she reminded me.

"I heard you," I laughed, "you've got at least thirty minutes to kill babe."

"I know," she mumbled, "make it quick then."

"Just relax," I whispered, kissing the side of her head and then her neck again.

"Y/N/N," she sighed, sealing her eyes shut.

"Shhhh," I smirked, running my hand down the front of her body and slowly edging myself down to her core.

Literally as soon as I touched the edge of her underwear, an alarm blared through the room and she playfully hit my hand away.

"Um excuse me," I laughed.

"Got to go to set," she smirked, "later darling."

I groaned and watched her as she stood up and smiled at me over her shoulder, my t-shirt hanging off her body and a small baby bump evident when she turned.

"Coffee?" she asked.

"I thought you had to be on set," I giggled.

"I do, in about two hours," she smirked, "but that alarm was my call to get up and eat something before I go."

I audibly groaned again and kicked my feet like an angry child, "I want sex!"

"You always want sex," she laughed, "I'm going to make a coffee, do you want one or not?"

"Yes, fine, I'll have a coffee," I compromised.

"Great, make the bed?" she asked.

"Can I not stay in the bed?" I giggled.

She hummed a no and walked off, leaving me alone, smiling like an idiot in a bed way too big ... uncomfortably big for one person. I quickly rolled out of it, flattened the sheets and nodded slowly at the partially made bed before following Lizzie into the kitchen where she was humming the tune of Don't Stop Believing. With a smile, I sat down at the kitchen island and watched her in awe that she was going to be my wife.

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