Vanilla and Strawberries

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Lizzie's POV

I wrapped filming for His Three Daughters around an hour ago and walked through the front door to find all the lights off and a small candle on the floor in the doorway of Y/N/N's apartment. Laughing out my nose, I crouched down and picked up a small piece of paper that was placed next to it. As I hung up my coat and slipped off my shoes, I opened the note and ran my finger over her handwriting.

Bedroom x

Furrowing my brows, I put down the note and walked toward her bedroom where I could hear the muffled noise of her sex playlist. Pushing open the door, I smiled over at my girlfriend who was sitting at the end of the bed in a pair of black knee-high boots and a black lace lingerie set with her hair pulled into a high ponytail and big hoop earrings on her ears. She was sat with one leg over the other, smirking at me smugly.

"Fancy seeing you here," she quirked playfully.

"Where are the rest of your clothes?" I smiled slowly, closing her bedroom door and resting back against it.

"Does it matter?" she smirked.

"Nope," I shook my head, a smile still dancing on my lips, "you look gorgeous."

"I know," she replied smugly, tightening her ponytail, "congrats on the wrap of the film."

"Thanks," I smiled back.

"I thought about getting you some champagne."

"But?" I asked.

"I decided I could give you a better reward," she bit back, uncrossing her legs and parting them in front of me, leaning forward slightly so she could rest on her thighs.

My eyes subconsciously jumped down to her breasts which were now hanging down in a teasing fashion.

"Come here," she mumbled, holding her hand out.

I untucked my t-shirt and walked toward her as she shook her head slowly and tutted, narrowing her eyes at me.

"Tuck it back in," she ordered.

"Why," I laughed out my nose.

"So I can untuck it myself," she smiled, watching as I tucked it back into my jeans.

Wrapping my arms around her neck, I stood between her parted legs and cupped her cheek lightly to bring her eyes up to mine. She smiled seductively and untucked my t-shirt again, slowly lifting it up and bringing it over my head as I dropped my arms from her body for a moment to aid her. Throwing the material away, she bit her bottom lip and caught a hitch in my breath when she placed her hands on my hips.

"Are you going to kiss me?" I whispered.

She shook her head slowly, moving her hands forward slightly and unbuttoned my jeans before undoing the zip too.

"You're just going to undress me in silence?" I smirked.

She nodded and strategically stood up, towering over me with the size of her kinky ass boots. Pulling my arms off her body, she pulled my jeans down and let me step out of them before flipping our bodies around and pushing me down onto the bed.

"My gorgeous girlfriend," she mumbled softly, unzipping her boots and slowly stepping out of them.

I hummed and watched her with a smile as she slowly climbed on top of me, straddling my body and cupping my cheeks.

"I'm so very proud of you, you know that?" she told me softly, running her thumb over my bottom lip.

I nodded slowly and locked eyes with hers as she smirked to herself.

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