Pillow Talk

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"I think your phone is ringing," I whispered into the air.

After God knows how long in the sheets, both of us were absolutely shattered and collapsed next to each other, breathing heavily into the space between us. Lizzie's hair was now nearly dry, my duvet was on my floor and purple marks scattered both of our bodies. She had crawled up to my side and thrown her leg over my body, wrapping her arm around my waist and burying her face in the crook of my neck with a satisfied hum.

"I'm not going anywhere," she mumbled against my skin.

"What if it's the lock people," I whispered back.

"They're not coming until tomorrow," she reminded me in the same hushed tone, "whoever it is can talk to my answer phone because I am not moving for the next decade."

"Okay," I giggled, kissing the crown of her head, "I am so tired, but I don't want to sleep, I want to remember this moment."

"Yeah, me too," she smiled, tracing over my rib tattoos with the tip of her finger, "I forgot how well you know my body."

"I feel like it's all new again," I admitted, "the Lizzie I last slept with was twenty years old and now you're ancient."

"I'll remind you that you are older than me," she giggled, moving her head so she could look at me.

"Only by a year," I smirked.

"It's not me that's nearly 30," she replied.

"Oh god don't remind me," I laughed, "I think Mum was more upset than me when Vanessa and I broke up because now she thinks I'm going to die single."

"Five years is a long time to date someone and not progress to the next stage," Lizzie said quietly.

I hummed and nodded slowly, looking at the wall in front of us as I ran my hand up and down her arm gently.

"Ashley and I spoke about this the other day," I told her.

"My sister Ashley?" She asked.

I nodded.

"The same Ashley who had nothing nice to say to you four days ago?" She checked.

"Yeah," I laughed, "she asked if I wanted kids and then she asked why I didn't have them with Ness."

"Do you want kids?" She inquired.

"Definitely," I replied quickly, looking down at her again, "although Jessie is my all-time favourite human, I would really like one of my own."

"Me too," she nodded, "I missed all of Jessie's childhood."

"When we went to see Godzilla, Scarlet told him that was his Auntie Lizzie," I told her.

"Really?" She whispered, her voice breaking slightly.

I nodded, "I hated that she still called you Auntie Lizzie for a long time but that's how Jess knows you, yeah."

"That's made my day," she smiled sweetly.

"I just gave you the best sex I could offer and that's the best part of your day?" I giggled.

"Yes," she smirked smugly, cuddling up to me again, "do you have any new tattoos?"

I nodded and picked up her hand, moving it to the underside of my right breast, "three leaf clover."

"Any meaning?" She inquired, tracing over the small green ink.

"Me, Scarlet and Jessie," I smiled.

"That's so cute," she mumbled, "any more?"

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