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She worked her way through a cheap pack of cigarettes
Hard liquor mixed with a bit of intellect
And all the boys, they were saying they were into it
Such a pretty face on a pretty neck,

She's driving me crazy, but I'm into it
But I'm into it, I'm kinda into it
It's getting crazy, I think I'm losing it
I think I'm losing it, oh, I think she said,

I'm having your baby
It's none of your business
I'm having your baby-

"Y/N sit down," Lizzie giggled, blushing as I danced around the kitchen, "we get it, I'm having a baby, but we don't need the whole of New York to know."

"Nope," I smirked, pulling her up off her seat, "you're having MY baby and it's literally a miracle."

"I know," she laughed, pulling me into a hug, "I just don't want to get too excited ... just in case."

"Just in case what?" I asked softly, cupping her cheeks, "we've done it, the hardest part is over."

"We're not in the clear yet ..." she sighed.

"Can we just be happy that we're pregnant? Just for now and then we can get a hospital appointment and make sure everything is okay?" I suggested.

She nodded slowly, "my body still isn't made to hold a baby-"

"But it has," I smiled softly, "I have a really good feeling about this Lizzie."

She exhaled shakily and nodded, "I can't lose this baby."

"You're not going to, don't even think like that," I sighed, "this is really big for us."

"I know," she smiled sadly, "have you told anyone? Can we not tell anyone yet? Not until we know the baby is okay."

"I haven't told anyone, we can wait until we're comfortable, okay?" I smiled back.

She nodded quickly, "I don't want to talk about names yet either ... or look at clothes ... can we just not talk about it? I don't want to jinx anything-"

"Avoiding this feeling isn't going to make it go away - we're going to talk about it and we're going to bask in this happiness," I replied, "as long as we're honest with each other, we'll be okay either way."

"Okay," she whispered, exhaling sharply, "we're having a child."

"We are," I laughed out my nose, "you're already four weeks pregnant."

"Four more till we can be sure he's okay," she nodded.

"He?" I smiled.

"I have a feeling," she smiled back, "we're trying to be positive, right?"

"Yeah," I giggled, "but I think he's a she."

"You're just saying that to go against what I'm saying," she laughed.

"Yep," I agreed with a smirk, "now will you dance with me?"

She laughed out her nose and nodded.


"You've lost weight," Scarlet informed me with a frown, like I didn't already know it.

I hummed and nodded, "unintentionally," I assured her.

She nodded slowly, "still no luck on the baby front?"

"Not yet," I lied, "but I did speak to Vanessa."

"Try not to stress about her, she'll be okay," she sighed, "I'm there once a week and she's doing better already."

"Do you know why she's there?" I asked.

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