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"Y/N/N," Scarlet whispered, climbing into my bed and lying next to me.

I groaned and opened my eyes slightly, looking over at her smile.

"Why are you in my bed?" I laughed slightly.

"I've been in your bed before, why do you sound so shocked," she smirked.

"Because we're nearly 30," I giggled, "what do you want?"

"It's Christmas," she whispered.

"And you couldn't wait to tell me that when I woke up? What time is it?" I yawned.

"I have a present for you, and I wanted you to be awake before Jessie," she smiled.

"Can it wait until I've had a coffee?" I asked, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes.

She hummed a no, "it's in a box."

"Most Christmas gifts come in boxes," I laughed.

"Stop being so stubborn," she giggled.

I groaned dramatically and sat up, looking around at my bedroom, "where is it then?"

"Under the tree you idiot," she laughed.

"So, you woke me up before the sun and now you want me to get up and leave my nice, warm bed?" I checked.

"Yes," she smiled, "Jess will be up soon so you better hurry."

"Fine," I yawned, "box under the tree?"

"Box under the tree," she nodded, closing her eyes and burying herself under my duvet.

"You're unbelievable," I laughed, leaving her to sleep as I made my way into the lounge.

Dressed in matching Christmas pjs that Scarlet and Jessie had someone convinced me to buy, I waddled into the lounge to see a huge box, easily the size of myself sat next to the tree we had decorated days prior. It was wrapped in a dark red silk like paper and had a small label that spelled out my name. Furrowing my brows, I pulled away at the paper to be met with a cardboard box. As I grabbed a pair of scissors to tear away the tape holding it together, the box shuffled ever so slightly.

"What the fuck," I whispered, quickly opening it up and pulling away at the cardboard.

Lo and behold, stood in front of me was Elizabeth fucking Olsen dressed in the same pjs as me, a smile painted on her flushed cheeks.


"Merry Christmas," she smiled.

"Merry Christmas," I exhaled.

She giggled and stepped out of the box, wrapping her arms around my neck and kissing me passionately. I hummed a smile and kissed her back, looping my arms around her waist. As she pulled away moments later, she stopped and looked into my eyes.

"Surprised?" she asked.

"How long were you in that box?" I laughed, looking behind her.

"Thirty minutes," she chuckled, "took you long enough, Scarlet said she was bringing you straight out."

"Scarlet didn't tell me she put my girlfriend in a box," I giggled.

"Because it would've spoilt the surprise," she smiled sweetly.

"Why are you here?" I laughed, "not that I'm not over the moon to see you, I just thought you were spending Christmas in LA?"

"We got a slot on Jimmy Fallon tomorrow," she replied.

"We?" I asked.

"Love & Death," she confirmed, "the cast of Love & Death are doing an interview tomorrow. Someone cancelled and we got the slot so I'm back."

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