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Lizzie Olsen
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"Tasha! Where's my white shirt?" I shouted from my bedroom, running around while putting on my socks.

"Ummm ... the oversized one?" she asked from the kitchen.

"Yeah," I replied in the same tone, leaving my bedroom and seeing her standing there in the same shirt I was looking for.

An involuntary smile cascaded my lips as she bit her bottom lip in a smirk. Her hair was pinned up in a claw clip, strays falling around her face as she held a spatula dressed in my shirt and nothing more.

"What am I going to wear to work?" I asked, walking towards her and wrapping my arms around her waist.

"You could wear that," she suggested, motioning to my body which was only covered by a bra and a pair of black trousers.

"I don't know if they'll like that very much," I told her.

"I would if you were my boss," she smirked, tracing over a small love bite she left on my left breast last night.

"If I was your boss, I would've crossed so many professional boundaries," I laughed.

"Would I be your favourite employee?" she asked.

I hummed and nodded, closing the gap between us and kissing her softly as I unbuttoned the shirt where she stood. She smiled against my lips and wrapped her arms around my neck as I undressed her. When all the buttons were undone, I slipped it off her back and pulled our lips apart.

"Thank you," I sang, looking at her now naked body as I dressed myself.

"Are you happy with all of Central Park seeing my bare body?" she asked with a smirk, standing with her hands on her hips.

I nodded, "unless the people 40 floors below have amazing eyesight, I think we're safe."

"Go and get me another one of your shirts to wear," she giggled, "breakfast is nearly ready."

"Thank you, love," I smiled, pecking her lips a few more times before going into my bedroom and grabbing her my white and blue striped shirt from my third year of uni.

Dressing her as she stood at the hob making our omelettes. She hummed and leaned back into me, letting me do up the buttons. When I was done, I kissed the side of her head and sat down at the table.

"Any plans for today?"

"Well, I was supposed to be spending it with this girl I'm seeing but she's leaving me for work," Nat remarked, joining me at the table and handing me a plate.

"Is this girl hot? Maybe you can excuse it?" I asked.

Nat hummed and nodded, "she's passable looking but she did provide me with some mind-bowling sex last night, so I guess it's okay this time."

"Must be some girl," I smirked.

"She certainly seems to think so," Nat laughed.

I hummed a laugh as I ate my food, Natasha's legs dangling over mine.

"Alexa, play my local radio," Nat spoke up.

"Good morning, New York! We are joined this morning but Hollywood's IT girl, Elizabeth Olsen who is promoting her new show, Love & Death. Tell me Elizabeth, how are you enjoying New York so far?"

Nat and I stopped eating and looked at each other.

"I thought she went back to LA?" Natasha asked me.

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