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"Are you ever worried that you're not going to be attracted to me forever?" I asked, lying on the floor of Lizzie's lounge, looking up at the ceiling.

"Not remotely," she smiled from the couch, nursing her glass of wine, "why? Are you?"

I shook my head and looked over to her with a sad smile, "what about if I get all wrinkly and my breasts sag?"

"I will also be wrinkly and saggy," she smirked.

I hummed and nodded, looking back to the ceiling, "do you think we'll ever be at a point where we don't want to have sex with each other anymore?"

"No," she answered quickly, "that's almost a definite."

"Almost?" I asked, looking at her again.

She laughed out her nose and shook her head, "no, I don't think we'll ever be at a point like that my love."

"You stopped having sex with Robbie at some point ... when was that?" I added.

"Babe, I don't know," she shrugged her shoulders, "a long time before we even split up."

"Do you remember what the turning point was?" I asked quietly.

"Probably the first time he hit me," she answered honestly.

"Yeah," I whispered, nodding slowly and looking back up at the ceiling with a deep exhale.

"But I'm never going to not be as in love with you as I am right now," she continued, "I fall more in love with you every day."

I hummed and nodded as I heard her climb off the couch, put her glass on the table and position her face over mine with a sweet smile. I winked at her and smiled back.

"Now stop worrying I'm going to fall out of love with you," she mumbled, "it's not going to happen ... I'm never ever going to stop loving all of you. You know that, right?"

"I know," I whispered, looking deep into her eyes.

"Do you need some more convincing?" she asked seductively.

"Maybe," I smiled.

"Words or actions?" she pushed, placing her hand on my chest and biting her bottom lip.

"Actions," I whispered shakily.

She hummed and nodded, tracing her fingers down my body slowly and leaving the palm of her hand on my stomach.

"My ... tongue or fingers?" she asked with a smirk.

"Both," I exhaled.

"Would that prove how much you mean to me? How much I love you and how I would literally move the whole word to see you smile?" she added slowly.

"I thought I chose actions," I exhaled confidently.

She hummed, a smile teasing her lips as her fingers gently moved down further. Ever so delicately, she tickled the gap between my legs and watched my body tense up at the growing sensation she was creating.

"I wonder how long it would take you to cum if I just kept doing this," she smirked, pressing a little bit harder.

"Mhm," I squirmed.

"Go up to my room," she smiled, "I'll come up in a second, okay?"

"We can stay here," I assured her.

She shook her head and pulled her hand off me, "go upstairs, I wasn't asking."

I bit my bottom lip and sat up, looking at her lovingly.

"Go," she repeated.

"It's cute when you think you're in charge," I whispered, cupping her cheek and running my thumb over her bottom lip.

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