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"Will you just pick a paint colour already," I complained.

"Fucking help me," Lizzie giggled, "dark green or light green?"

"What shade?" I asked.

"I don't know!! That's why we're here," she groaned, "I like this sage green colour for the cupboard doors but then I also like the darkest green for the same space - we can't have two shades of green, so you need to be the deciding vote, which one?"

"Ummm the sage green is pretty and very cottage core, but the dark green is sexier?" I replied.

"So dark green?" she checked.

"I thought we were keeping the bathroom dark green?" I asked.

"We are, I thought there could be some continuity?" she replied.

"Okay, dark green it is," I smiled, "we're changing the floors to a darker wood, so it matches that way."

"Fab," she nodded slowly, picking up the paint and putting it into my very heavy cart at the department store.

"What's next?" I asked.

"We need new handles for all the drawers and cupboards and some shelving for our ensuite," she told me, flicking through the list on her phone.

"And some of that um ... stuff for the lounge," I added.

"What stuff?" she smirked.

"I don't know, the stuff that we fill the holes in the wall with," I yawned, "can we go home soon?"

"We've only been here for twenty minutes," she laughed.

"Lizzieee!" I complained, "I'm tiredddd."

"We're almost done," she giggled, grabbing some sealant from the shelves and putting it in the cart, "look, why don't you go the café and get some coffees and I'll finish here?"

"You sure?" I asked.

She nodded, "I've never seen you look so bored," she smiled softly, "it's only a few more things and then I'll join you."

"I love you so much, you know that? I'll get you a cookie," I sighed happily.

"I'll see you in a bit," she smirked, taking the cart form my hold, "I love you too babe."

I gave her a soft wink and pecked her lips a few times before she walked off towards the wooden floor panels as I walked towards the café, happy that she had taken control of this one. We officially move into the new house tomorrow so today seemed like the best day to get all the last bits and pieces. The plan was to drop them off at the house after we'd finished here and then spend the rest of the evening packing the last bits at my apartment before moving everything into the house tomorrow with the help of two different moving trucks. Over the past two weeks, we had cut down our belongings by at least ¼ each so we had room in the new place. The rest of the stuff we gave as donations to the local domestic abuse charity and women's home. Lizzie and I were both just ready to start decorating now, it seems like it's been a long time coming.

"I'll get two lattes and a chocolate chip cookie please," I smiled, pointing to the baked goods.

"Well, it's good to see you too," the cashier smirked.

I looked up and my eyes widened at the sight of Natasha behind the till, "do you work everywhere in New York?"

"I told you, I have a few jobs here and there," she giggled, "I quit the job at Starks because of Maria, so I need the money."

"Didn't go well then?" I asked.

She shook her head, "it was great for a few months but no, wasn't meant to be I guess."

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