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I think waking up to a naked woman on my chest is what I was put on this earth for.

Last night was the best night I've had in a long ass time. Natasha Romanoff is a different breed of person. She makes me feel so much and I've only known her a week. After spending most of the night in the sheets, we were both exhausted. Her head was on my chest, drawing small shapes around my lower belly just above where my duvet was sat. I ran my hand through her red hair gently. I had been brushing her hair with my nails for the past twenty minutes, so it was now really soft and tangle-free. She would give me a hum of approval every so often and I would smile. This morning was a complete contrast to yesterday morning. This is exactly what I needed in this moment in time and for the first time since being in New York, I felt genuinely happy and comfortable.

"I have to go to work soon," I spoke into the bedroom.

Nat nodded and moved slightly so she could look at me. She rested her head on her hand and smiled sweetly.

"You're amazing in bed, has anyone ever told you that?"

I giggled and shook my head, "thank you."

"And me?" she asked teasingly, tracing my jaw lightly.

"Yeah, you're alright," I mocked.

"Yeah, your multiple orgasms said otherwise," she smirked.

I hummed and nodded, "it was lovely, it was really lovely."

"Good," she smiled, leaning forward and kissing my lips softly, "my friends are going to ask how the date went."

"And ... how did it go?" I smirked, brushing some hair behind her ear carefully.

"I'd say it was pretty successful," Nat nodded with a smile.

"Yeah, me too," I whispered, "you're welcome to stay here and shower and such while I go to work."

"I need to go to work too," she giggled.

"I'll be your sugar mommy," I joked.

"I actually really like working," she giggled.

"Who likes working?" I laughed.

"I do," she told me proudly, "now peal your sweaty body off me so I can shower."

"Can I shower with you?" I asked, peppering kisses over her face.

She hummed like she was dramatically thinking before finally nodding, "I suppose so," she decided, standing up and holding her hands out towards me, "come on then dipshit."

"Do you know where you're going?" I asked.

"I can assume it's ... this room," she guessed correctly, walking into the bathroom and turning on the shower.

"How are you getting to work?" I questioned, pulling out two clean towels and putting them on the side for afterwards.

"I'll walk, it's the other side of town to you though unfortunately," she frowned, stepping under the water and pulling me under too.

"I see that as I good thing, I can't wait to be rid of you," I smiled, cupping her cheeks and kissing her lips softly.

"The feelings mutual dekta," she smirked.

"What does that mean?" I asked as I started to wash her body.

"I'll let you figure that out for yourself," she smiled.

"You're a pain in my ass," I giggled.

She hummed and nodded, rinsing off her body of suds before switching our potions and putting me under the shower head.

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